Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Another what I have learned so far...

1. You can never keep your car clean here. No matter what 20 minutes after washing your car it will be covered in mud again. The tractors bring the mud from the fields onto the road and its impossible to avoid!

2. Even if things say 240v that doesnt always mean 240v and things will blow up

3. The ovens are really tiny, I can only fit one of my baking sheets (the smallest one in the oven). Baking a batch of cookies take forever!

4. You can watch Friends on TV here 24/7 it is always on TV. Some people hate it other people (me) love it!

5. Even though we both keep the same language there is still a barrier between me coworkers and I. It is hilarious to hear our conversation and not understand each other. I mentioned the cheesecake flavor turtle cheesecake and my coworker thought it was cheesecake in the shaped of a turtle and had no idea what I was talking about.

6. The Fog is so bad! like nothing I have ever seen

7. Our Thanksgiving turkey will not fit on our freezer (we bought one a couple weeks ago because we heard the commissary sells out) well keeping a turkey on ice in a cooler does not work and the turkey defrosted....luckily the commissary didn't sell out so we went back to buy another one. Total $65 for thanksgiving turkey! haha

8. Once again British people can't believe the size of the turkey's we have in America. They couldn't believe we bought a 23lb turkey.

9. Learn to go with the flow  because the commissary is always out of everything I ever need, and the local grocery stores don't always have what I need so I just have to learn to go with out things....like pie crust for thanksgiving :(

10. The sunrises here are amazing and the sky is always gorgeous here. It also always feel a lot colder here than it really is. The air is so damp and wet 45 degrees feels like 30 degrees.

11. Learning to deal in celsius because my oven is in celsius and its what everyone talks about when they talk about weather....

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day Trip to Norwich

Last weekend Matt and I took a day trip to Norwich. It is about an hour away and there is a rock climbing gym at a rec center in the town which is suppose to have a pretty big climbing wall that Matt and I wanted to try out. Before climbing we explored the town a little bit and did some shopping. There was a farmers market with a bunch of yummy fresh food in the town square and the whole town center was already decorated for Christmas :)

There is also a beautiful cathedral in town that we went to go visit. I got some great pictures of the inside of the cathedral.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Beatles Let It Be Concert!!

Last time Matt and I went to London I was an advertisement for a Beatles concert called Let It Be. I told Matt we had to go so last weekend we went back to London to check out the concert. I never really listened to the Beatles until my brother Robbie started to listen to them. Robbie actually got my whole family into their music again, even my little brother Dylan is a huge Beatles fan now.

 I wish Robbie was here to go see this concert with me because he would have loved it! The concert made it feel like you were actually seeing the real Beatles in concert. They looked and sounded just like the Beatles and they put on an amazing show!

Picture of us waiting at the train station to head into London. I love that we can take a train right by our house and in an hour we are in London, it is awesome!

We found a Mexican place to eat at in Kings Cross train station. There are few to none Mexican restaurants in England so when we find one we have to eat at it! It was like Chipotle but didn't taste as good.

Outside of the theater

Matt's reaction when he saw the seats I bought us

We were the last row, what can I saw I am not a big spender :)
The concert was amazing and I would go back to see it again! It was surprisingly long 2.5 hours and each set was the hit songs from a different album. The show took you through the story of the Beatles as well which was great.

Here are some previews of the music, can't see much but can hear the awesome music :)

The Let It Be song has a special place in my family's heart. It was the song my mom would sing to my brother Robbie while he was in the hospital. I know he was at the concert with me signing along with me in spirit.