Thursday, March 27, 2014

Baby Morgan Week 26

Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: about 13 - 15 pounds 

Eats and Treats: Nutella, donuts are still on the brain :), chocolate anything

How I Am Feeling: Feeling so tired again and it's been hard to sleep some nights. Also feeling 
anxious I really want to start the nursery but still waiting for a house to become available on base.

Clothing: wishing I could wear sweats to work because everything is so uncomfortable lately :(

Exercise: still working out about and hoping to go on a bike ride with Matt this weekend if the weather is good!

Most Looking Forward To: The weekend and getting to sleep in. I am looking forward to lounging my my pajamas and drinking my coffee and doing absolutely nothing on Saturday except maybe going to the movie theater :)

Thankful For: the cheap but good quality baby swing, stroller and car seat we got on an online garage sale here! Gotta love second hand stuff :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Baby Morgan Week 25

Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: still on track with the weight gain

Eats and Treats: donuts! oh how I wish we had a dunlin donuts here. Oreos, hummus and pita chips, spicy food 

How I Am Feeling: feeling emotional this week, I blame it on the hormones and missing the hubby. otherwise just a little tired but feeling good still :)

Clothing: enjoying all the second hand maternity clothes I got from people and love that the bump is showing through.

Exercise: exercise is a little light this week but still trying to work out at least 3 times...but it may be a stretch   

Most Looking Forward To: going to the movies tomorrow for the main reason to get movie theater popcorn, I have been craving it all week!!

Thankful For: Having a healthy pregnancy  :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Baby Morgan Week 24


Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: about 10ish pounds now

Eats and Treats: still craving all thins dairy :( and my stomach is not happy about that so I am going to try and not give into those cravings, I did find lacto free cream cheese for my bagels! and it tastes pretty good too. craving fruit shakes and thai food haha so strange. 

How I Am Feeling: I have a cold this week so pretty sluggish week. Hoping to get a bunch of sleep this weekend to get over this cold and get my energy back. 

Clothing: Just got a huge box of maternity clothes from my friend here in England. They are the cutest spring/summer maternity clothes and I am super excited to wear them. I only hope this England summer gets warm enough for me to wear them :)

Exercise: since I have a cole this week I have only worked out twice and they were pretty light but better than nothing I guess! 

Most Looking Forward To: Spring to get here! and so excited for our friends Matt and Anna to get here in April. I really want to start working on the nursery but we still haven't been able to get a house on base so everything is still in boxes :/

Thankful For: The zero alcohol cider and beer that tasty surprisingly yummy! oh and my awesome husband who found it for me :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Baby Morgan Week 23!


Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: umm enough.....I guess :)
Eats and Treats: fig newtons, breakfast foods (bagels, english muffins), chocolate, chocolate, chocolate

How I Am Feeling: Feeling great! enjoying feeling Morgan kick which happens so much now :) Getting a litle difficult to sleep but still trying to get at least 8 hours, I know this will only start getting harder but its so uncomfortable to sleep on your sides, I miss sleeping on my stomach.

Clothing: my bump is really showing through my clothes and I had the rude awakening that my yoga pants are way too tight on me and I can't wear a lot of them anymore :(

Exercise: still working out about 3-4 times a week, mixing it up between weight lifting for toning and the treadmill  
Most Looking Forward To: My doctors appointment for my 24 week check up next week. Sad we cannot go to Paris this weekend now because of Matts work but excited the weekend is going to be the sunniest one yet. 

Thankful For: This sunny 60 degree weekend we are suppose to get having in England!