Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014
Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs
Weight Gain: About 15-17 pounds
Eats and Treats: Craving soda and salty things like potato chips :) Also made a batch of dark chocolate brownies this week and they have been so good all week! Eating so much fruit...pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, blueberries, apples and bananas. I can't wait for watermelon to be in season.
How I Am Feeling: I have been feeling like a have a cold this week so sleeping has been difficult with a sore throat and stuffy nose. My heartburn has been hurting so bad this week, never experienced heartburn like this!
Clothing: nothing is comfortable to wear anymore unless its sweatpants and and oversized t-shirt!
Exercise: Only got in two workouts this week, this cold has taken all my energy this week, hoping next week might be better but we are moving so might be too busy!
Most Looking Forward To: Setting up the nursery in our new house. I cannot wait to get the owl and tree decal put up on the wall and set up the crib :)
Thankful For: All of the baby kicks I feel everyday from Morgan and having my husband here to share all of these experiences with.