Friday, April 25, 2014

Baby Morgan Week 30, only 10 more weeks to go!


Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: About 15-17 pounds

Eats and Treats: Craving soda and salty things like potato chips :) Also made a batch of dark chocolate brownies this week and they have been so good all week! Eating so much fruit...pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, blueberries, apples and bananas. I can't wait for watermelon to be in season.

How I Am Feeling: I have been feeling like a have a cold this week so sleeping has been difficult with a sore throat and stuffy nose. My heartburn has been hurting so bad this week, never experienced heartburn like this!

Clothing: nothing is comfortable to wear anymore unless its sweatpants and and oversized t-shirt!

Exercise: Only got in two workouts this week, this cold has taken all my energy this week, hoping next week might be better but we are moving so might be too busy! 

Most Looking Forward To: Setting up the nursery in our new house. I cannot wait to get the owl and tree decal put up on the wall and set up the crib :)

Thankful For: All of the baby kicks I feel everyday from Morgan and having my husband here to share all of these experiences with.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Baby Morgan Week 29!

So I missed week 28 because our friends were in town visiting and we went to Rome! Which I think is a pretty good excuse :)


Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: Lets just say I am gaining the right amount of weight

Eats and Treats: I had a lot of pizza and sorbet gelato in Rome and it was amazing! Trying to eat healthier this week but I did buy zebra cakes at the store on Sunday and they hit the spot. 

How I Am Feeling: Feeling pretty good,still a little uncomfortable when sleeping and Morgan is constantly kicking my bladder so that has been making it difficult to get through the day without going to the bathroom 100 times! Also the heartburn has been out of control lately and have tums in every room of our house.

Clothing: bought two maternity dresses today for Spring and I cannot wait to wear them! 

Exercise: I didn't work out all week when our friends were here so Monday I started back into it and I am still doing those safe pregnancy weight lighting workout DVDs. While the workouts aren't intense I am hoping just working out a little will help me get back into shape faster after I have Morgan. 

Most Looking Forward To: Moving into base housing in two weeks! We have so much to do before then but really looking forward to being closer to everything. 

Thankful For: The fact that it is Spring and so far England has provided us with some awesome weather. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Baby Morgan Week 27

Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gainno clue and I am ok with that :)

Eats and Treats: Got my fair share of donuts this week so no longer craving those :) Loving all the Easter candy and I got this trader joes peanut butter in the mail called cookie butter that is so good with apples! I was also craving like a breakfast coffee cake or something so I made a copy cat recipe of Starbucks lemon loaf and it was really yummy!

How I Am Feeling: Feeling like my belly is getting bigger everyday which I love but it can be a little uncomfortable too. Still tired and have trouble sleep but don't think that is going away anytime soon so learning to function on less sleep!

Clothing: Starting to get to wear spring/summer clothes here with the weather. Pretty much wearing short sleeve everyday because I got hot flashes now too!

Exercise: My bike ride last weekend was probably my last till after I have Morgan. My belly was a little too close for comfort so it made it kind of awkward to ride and I was exhausted after!

Most Looking Forward To: Our friends Matt and Anna are coming to visit tomorrow from Maine! They are staying for about 10 days and we booked a trip to Rome with them for this weekend, I cannot wait!

Thankful For: Getting the chance to live in England and be able to fly to Rome for a weekend trip :)