Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Shakeology Peanut Butter Cups

I am craving sweets again! Ug...I allowed them back into my life and now I have to start over with breaking my cravings. It is rough I tell you, I don't know why I did it in the first place. So in an attempt to keep myself from eating reeses pumpkin peanut butter cups (YUM!) I made shakeology peanut butter cups! They aren't bad, I mean don't get me wrong they aren't like Reeses but they help with my sugar tooth.

2 tsp. unrefined coconut oil, melted
2 Tbsp. powdered chocolate peanut butter (like PB2)
2 tsp. Chocolate Vegan Shakeology
2 Tbsp. water
1. Combine oil and powdered peanut butter in a small bowl; mix well. Set aside.
2. Combine Shakeology and water in a small bowl; mix until it has a pudding-like consistency. Set aside.
3. Coat two foil muffin liners evenly with half of peanut butter mixture. Top evenly with Shakeology mixture and remaining peanut butter mixture.
4. Freeze for 30 minutes, or until firm.