Thursday, March 31, 2016

Baby #2 - 22 Weeks

I'm sorry baby #2, you have already fallen into the second child syndrome. I didn't get my first baby bump picture until I was nearly half way through the pregnancy :( But, at least I got one! This month has been crazy with stomach flu and colds to having my mom and aunt visit and Matt and I taking a trip to Iceland. 

The nice thing about waiting to do a baby bump post is that we already know the gender and the name! So here we go...


Estimated Due Date: August 3, 2016 (But please feel free to come early, it will make out move a lot easier!)

Gender: Another Girl :) Molly Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain12 pounds! Probably a lot to do with Easter candy and being sick/ot working out for awhile. 

Eats and Treats: ice-cream, fresh fruit and yogurt!

How I Am Feeling: Still sick with a sinus infection but the pregnancy is feeling great. 

Clothing: Lots of yoga pants, maternity jeans and workout clothes

Exercise: Still trying to run with Stroller Warriors 2x a week and got to HIIT class 2x a week. 

Most Looking Forward To: Feeling the baby kick more and watching my belly grow :)

Thankful For: The ability to stay home right now and enjoy these last couple months at home with Morgan before Molly makes her appearance.