Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Baby #2- 32 Weeks


Estimated Due Date: August 3, 2016 

Gender: Girl :) Molly Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain20 pounds and I will probably gain a pound a week from here on out so probably about 30 pounds total for this pregnancy

Eats and Treats: dark chocolate Klondike bars, dark chocolate anything really, fruit, ice cold drinks (Green tea), rice krispy treats

How I Am Feeling: I don’t feel like the baby has dropped because there is so much upper pressure its uncomfortable to sit straight up. Some days I feel great and others I just want to lay down and sleep all day.

Clothing: Mixture between yoga pants and workout clothes. With the weather getting warmer I am able to wear some of my maxi skirts and dresses which is awesome to get dressed in regular clothes again!

Exercise: Still running about 3 times a week for 2.5-3 miles. On Tuesday I averaged a 10:30/mile but I wasn’t pushing the stroller. I am also adding in some workout DVDs like 21 day fix. I plan on still trying to go to HIIT once a week but it’s starting to get more difficult. Overall, trying to get in a workout 5x a week.

Most Looking Forward To: All the fun weekend activities we have planned in the month of June. We are going to Wales this weekend to go hiking and in two weeks Morgan turns 2!

Thankful For: Morgan, she has been such a sweetheart lately and I am trying to soak up all this one on one time we have together before Molly arrives.