Thursday, May 16, 2013

Last minute trip to South Korea!

I made it to Korea! I had been waiting for over a month to get my passport back from Andrews AFB (they needed it for paperwork stuff to get me authorized to live in England) and last Monday they called to say it finally came in. I booked a direct flight for the next day and hurried to get everything packed and done in time. The flight was 14 hours long and I could not sleep the whole time, so I ended up watching 6 movies, so boring! I knew how to catch the bus to the base, so Matt met me at the bus stop on base. I am so much happier being here, it is nice to have my husband around again. Sometimes I know it would have been easier for me to have moved here with him, but you learn from your choices and we now know we will never be separated (unless we have no choice) ever again!

Oh Korea how I have missed you! haha

The first place I wanted to go when I got here was this thai restaraunt off base. The food is amazing and  it did not disappoint this time :) I got the chicken, ginger and onion stir fry and it was delicious!

The weather is nice here. It gets kind of hot during the day, but it is not too humid yet. Matt's dorm does not have air condition yet, so it gets a little warm during the day. We are going on a trip to the DMZ tomorrow. The DMZ is the area that separates North and South Korea. The bus leaves super early at 7am and we don't get back till late. I am really excited to go see it, especially with all of the news that was going on last month with North Korea. I will post about it with pictures when I get back :)

Anyways, I am extremely happy and enjoying my time with Matt!
My best friend :)

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