Monday, June 17, 2013

Why I love Colorado

I spent the past weekend in Colorado with my family for my cousins wedding. As excited as I am for England, every time I visit Colorado I never want to leave and wish Matt and I could move here tomorrow. This weekend was super busy and filled with a lot of fun family time so this post will have a lot of pictures to display all the reasons why I love Colorado!

Me and my cousin Chelsea
One of the main reasons why I love Colorado is my favorite person ever lives there. I hate that we never get enough time together and having to say goodbye today without having a future visit already planned out was really hard :(

The incline in Colorado Springs
Reached the top!
Our treat for reaching the top
 The second reason of my love for Colorado is there is always something fun and active to do and the views are amazing! The wedding was in Colorado Springs so on Saturday before the wedding we hiked the stairs of the incline. It was a really hard hike and the altitude killed me but the view from the top was amazing! And note to self bring a lot of water next time you do something like that!

Garden of the Gods

This picture needs no explanation as to why I am in love with the views Colorado has to offer! 

My cousin, aunt, mom and I

My cousins wedding
Pink cake, it's a girl!
And finally the most important reason why I want to live in Colorado is family. All of my family lives there and I miss being around for holidays and family events. The wedding ceremony was wonderful and the reception was a lot of fun! The cake at the wedding had pink filling which revealed that they are having a girl due in October! I wish I was going to be around to see the beautiful addition to our family, but I guess Facetime will have to do for now. 

Time to go back home and back to reality. In other good news my best friend Lindsay got engaged this weekend! I am so excited for her and her fiance and their wedding gives me another excuse to come back to the states! 

Matt got his ticket home from Korea and will be arriving August 6th! wahoo :) We also have tentative date of August 20th to fly to England! Crossing my fingers I get my visa in time so I can leave with Matt. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Permanent Change of Station

We have already known for awhile that our next base would be England, but until yesterday we did not have our permanent change of station orders in our hands. The military has a funny way to tell you one thing (hint: you are moving to Alaska) and then doing something completely different (changing those plans to moving to England!). So I was extremely happy to hear from Matt that we finally got the documents making it official for his new base! Now that we have that piece of paper we can pretty much schedule everything for our move (except booking our tickets). In the next couple of weeks I am going to be running around trying to pack up my entire life so I can meet the movers in Delaware to ship all of our belongings to the UK. In a few short months this will be where I will call home! 

Mildenhall Vilalge

Monday, June 10, 2013

Excited for Summer

A lot has been going on since I got back from Korea. I was the matron of honor in my best friend Galin's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and the bride looked stunning! It was a very hot and humid weekend but it didn't rain and so we got to enjoy the reception under the stars.

My little brother Dylan had a great time busting some moves on the dance floor :) Galin planned and put together everything for the wedding. It was a lot of work on her part but it was worth it because it looked amazing!!!

This past weekend I went to a Nationals game. The Nats played the Twins and lost in the 11th inning 4-3 :( Even though they lost it was still fun to go to a baseball game with my family.

I am excited for the start of summer. I have a couple vacations planned and I am leaving Thursday for Colorado for my cousins wedding. It will be my third time this year going to Colorado but I am not complaining I love seeing my family and the rocky mountains. More exciting news is the start of summer marks the season Matt will be coming home. Only about a month and a half left :)