Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Road trip to Maine

Last week I drove to Maine with my mom and her friend Debbie. Since Matt and I are moving to England we had to drive Matt's guns up to his parents house to keep them safe for the next four years. On the way home we stopped at Matt's family's beach house to spend a couple days with his dad, stepmom Char and a couple other family members :)

I will let the pictures tell the story of the trip.....
Can't go to Maine without shooting guns

Don't mess with these moms

Boating on Keizer Lake
Gotta have Lobster in Maine!

Matt's family beach house

Matt's adorable cousin Bobby!

Holding Matt's newborn cousin Teddy :)

Matt's dad taught me to surf!

Had such a great vacation! Thank you to Matt's family for having us :)

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