Saturday, December 6, 2014

Morgan 5 Months

Weight & Height: No clue! She is quite a chubby thing but we have her 6 month appointment in a couple weeks and will find out then :)
Eating: Eating 6oz of formula with prune juice every 3 hours and started her on baby food this month! She started watching everything I ate and grabbing at my bowls so we decided she was probably ready :) We started with peas, sweet potatoes and prunes. She loves the peas and sweet potatoes but probably won't do the prunes again 
Sleeping (naps): Naps are still on and off throughout the day. She will usually take one longer nap in the afternoon around 4-5ish. 
Sleeping (at night): Sleeping through the night has gotten a little more difficult lately. Morgan will wake up usually about 4-5 times for us to put her pacifier back in her mouth and there were a couple nights when Matt was gone she would not sleep and I wanted to cry! I can't wait for the day when she learns to put that pacifier back in her mouth on her own!
Clothing: She is in all 6 month clothes and even some 6-9 month clothes! She's one chunky baby and I love it!

New this month: 
  • Morgan loves to sit up and can sit up without any help! She still falls over occasionally but doing better every day!
  • Morgan is rolling from front to back and back to front! She is rolling all over the place and its so fun to watch her. 
  • She is starting to chew on everything. She loves to chew on her hands and feet. 
  • She started grabbing at mine and Matt's food and we started her on baby food. 
  • We tried her in the bathtub this month and she loved splashing and playing in the tub :)
Nicknames: MoMo
Morgan likes:
  • Rolling around on her activity mat.
  • Eating baby food. 
  • Watching colorful shows on TV especially Rollie Pollie Olie
  • Eating her toes, she is one flexible girl!
  • Playing with Tanner and Paisley at Ashley's for day care. 
  • Dancing around the living room
  • She loves the toy lion from her activity mat, its her favorite toy right now
  • Soft blankets, she loves to put them over her head and then toss around until we pull it off her! needless to say she will not be getting blankets in her crib anytime soon. 
Morgan dislikes:
  • Still Pooping, poor baby is STILL having constipation issues and cries/screams every time she poops, breaks my heart. 
  • Getting her face cleaned after she eats baby food. She screams and shakes her head every time I try to clean her face. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fall Time: Apple Picking, Pumpkin Patch and Hiking!

I know I am a little behind with this post but Fall isn't over yet and we have gone on some fun day trips over the past couple of months!

A month ago we went out to Sandringham Estate (the Queen's Estate) to do a little apple picking! The weather was a little chilly but it didn't rain and that is all you can ask for in England :) We got a bag of cooking apples, a bag of apples to eat and some apple cider to go with it! The orchards were beautiful and the apples tasted really good! Apple picking is by far one of my favorite fall activities.

We found a Morgan sized apple!

On our way home we stopped by the coast and got some lunch and took a walk on the beach. It was the first time all year I had gone to the beach. England is not really well known for their warm beaches you can sunbathe on. 

And of course I couldn't let the apples go to waste. We had to make some carmel apples and apple crisp to enjoy all week.

Last weekend Matt dad and stepmom were in town and we took a trip to a local pumpkin patch and corn maze with all our friends and their kids. Let me tell you it was a job to get all those kids coordinated in the pumpkin picture but I think it turned out pretty good considering all the different age groups! The pumpkin patch and some of the biggest pumpkins I have ever seen and the best warm cinnamon donuts ever. I want to go back there just to get another donut :)

We got the perfect pumpkin and took it home to carve...Morgan was not very impressed with the pumpkin though but she did enjoy drooling all over it. 

And lastly this past weekend we decided to take a day trip out of the area and go for a hike in the peak district. It was a little longer trip than we expected and took about 4 hours to get there (due to traffic) but once we got there it was worth the trip. The views were gorgeous!

The weather started out fine but eventually got worse and by the time we got to the top it was windy and very rainy! Needless to say we got very wet and cold, thank goodness for rain jackets. Morgan stayed very dry and warm in her dads coat and enjoy every minute of it. Well until the drive back, at that point she had had enough and did not want to be in her car sear anymore....that's when we found out she enjoys rollie pollie ollie on my iPhone :)

Next weekend is Halloween and I can't wait to share Morgans cute costume! We are taking her trick or treating with some other little ones. Not sure how long we will last but we are going to give it a try :)

Morgan 4 Months

Weight & Height: I may have overestimated her weight at 3 months because she was 14.2 pounds and 25 inches at her 4 month appointment. 
Eating: Eating 6oz of formula now every 4 hours. Added a little rice cereal to the mix too!
Sleeping (naps): Still taking a morning nap and then naps often and on throughout the day still not on any sort of napping schedule. 
Sleeping (at night): Morgan is a pro at sleeping through the night. We still have to get up occasionally and put her pacifier back in her mouth but she goes to sleep between 7:30-8 without a fuss and we can usually get her to sleep till about 6-6:30 now with the occasional waking up for her pacifier. 
Clothing: She is almost out of her 0-3 month clothes but can still fit into some of them. Her 6 month clothes are a little big but fit her better and aren't as tight as the 0-3month clothes. 

New this month: 
  • Along with the babbling this month has come the screeching. She loves to hear herself scream and talk :) 
  • Morgan and pull her pacifier out of her mouth and can almost get it back in. We cannot wait for the day she know how to put the pacifier in her mouth on her own.
  • She rolled over twice! We keep trying to get her to do it again but it will come in time. For now she mostly rolls on to her side but when we put her on her stomach she was able to roll over to her back. 
  • She loves grabbing onto her toys that dangle from her activity mat. 
  • She is still eating her hands a lot and might be teething a little. We gave her a little teething ring and she loves to chew on it. 
Nicknames: My girlfriends started calling her "Mo" and Matt and I continue to call her peanut :)
Morgan likes:
  • Getting kisses and having daddy say "Good Morning Beautiful" to her every morning
  • Loves her activity mat still, she loves to lay down and grab her toys and babble to herself, it's so cute. 
  • Football! haha not really but she loves the colors on the TV and whenever football is on she get distracted by it. 
  • Sucking on her thumb, which comes with a lot of drooling!
  • Sitting in her gumbo chair has become a new favorite thing, especially when Matt and I are in the kitchen cooking she likes to be a part of everything. 
  • Going to the pumpkin patch with all her friends! 

Morgan dislikes:
  • Pooping, poor baby is having constipation issues and cries/screams every time she poops.
  • Being in her carseat for too long, we figured that out yesterday when we went hiking and drove for about 7 hours that day to get to the peak district. 

We are loving fall time in England and cannot wait for Halloween! I will do a Halloween post with all her pictures :)