Weight & Height: I may have overestimated her weight at 3 months because she was 14.2 pounds and 25 inches at her 4 month appointment.
Eating: Eating 6oz of formula now every 4 hours. Added a little rice cereal to the mix too!
Sleeping (naps): Still taking a morning nap and then naps often and on throughout the day still not on any sort of napping schedule.
Sleeping (at night): Morgan is a pro at sleeping through the night. We still have to get up occasionally and put her pacifier back in her mouth but she goes to sleep between 7:30-8 without a fuss and we can usually get her to sleep till about 6-6:30 now with the occasional waking up for her pacifier.
Clothing: She is almost out of her 0-3 month clothes but can still fit into some of them. Her 6 month clothes are a little big but fit her better and aren't as tight as the 0-3month clothes.
New this month:
- Along with the babbling this month has come the screeching. She loves to hear herself scream and talk :)
- Morgan and pull her pacifier out of her mouth and can almost get it back in. We cannot wait for the day she know how to put the pacifier in her mouth on her own.
- She rolled over twice! We keep trying to get her to do it again but it will come in time. For now she mostly rolls on to her side but when we put her on her stomach she was able to roll over to her back.
- She loves grabbing onto her toys that dangle from her activity mat.
- She is still eating her hands a lot and might be teething a little. We gave her a little teething ring and she loves to chew on it.
Nicknames: My girlfriends started calling her "Mo" and Matt and I continue to call her peanut :)
Morgan likes:
- Getting kisses and having daddy say "Good Morning Beautiful" to her every morning
- Loves her activity mat still, she loves to lay down and grab her toys and babble to herself, it's so cute.
- Football! haha not really but she loves the colors on the TV and whenever football is on she get distracted by it.
- Sucking on her thumb, which comes with a lot of drooling!
- Sitting in her gumbo chair has become a new favorite thing, especially when Matt and I are in the kitchen cooking she likes to be a part of everything.
- Going to the pumpkin patch with all her friends!
Morgan dislikes:
- Pooping, poor baby is having constipation issues and cries/screams every time she poops.
- Being in her carseat for too long, we figured that out yesterday when we went hiking and drove for about 7 hours that day to get to the peak district.
We are loving fall time in England and cannot wait for Halloween! I will do a Halloween post with all her pictures :)
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