Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014
Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs
Weight Gain: 27 pounds
Eats and Treats: feeling kind of nauseous in the mornings again so not really craving anything. Watermelon is still a favorite.
How I Am Feeling: heartburn, indigestion, leg cramps, nose bleeds, back ache and pure uncomfortableness! I think there is a reason pregnancy makes you feel this way towards the end because you cannot wait to meet your baby and not feel this way anymore :)
Clothing: I cannot wait to be able to wear my normal clothes again and feel comfortable in them!
Exercise: I did two pregnancy weight work outs this week and went on a walk, I am so exhausted today I doubt I will work out anymore this week.
Most Looking Forward To: Going into labor! Although I am going back and forth between just wanting to her to come as soon as she can or wanting her to wait till my mom gets here next Thursday!, I know I have no say because its all up to her :)