Thursday, June 12, 2014

Baby Morgan Week 37!!

WEEK 37 (3 weeks to go!!)

Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: 25 pounds

Eats and Treats: cereal, popsicles, bagels, watermelon, ice coffee all have been tasting so good lately!

How I Am Feeling: Wow braxton hicks contractions have gotten very intense! I can tell my body is getting ready for labor because everything hurts! I am definitely going to be ready to have Morgan soon! Please don't make me wait till 41 weeks baby girl :)  

Clothing: Is it possible to feel like your maternity clothes don't fit anymore? Because that is how I feel!

Exercise: taking walks with Matt (because he is finally back home!!!) 

Most Looking Forward To: Meeting our baby girl!

Thankful For: The weekend! enjoying this time as a family of two while we still can. 

Adorable bear my aunt Sue got for Morgan, I think this will be her favorite stuffed animal :)

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