Sunday, September 28, 2014

Morgan 3 Months

Weight & Height: She is about 15 pounds now I think. We have her 4 month appointment at the end of next month for official weight and measurement :)
Eating: Eating 4oz of formula every 2-3 hours. In the morning she will usually have 6 ox of formula though because she sleeps through the night without needing a bottle.
Nursing/Bottles: We are completely done with our breastfeeding journey. I wish it had been an easier experience for us and that I could have continued to provide her breast milk but solely pumping was getting exhausting and since I decided to stop I have been able to be a better mother to Morgan and have more time for her because I'm not pumping 8x a day!
Sleeping (naps): She normally takes a small morning nap and then a longer nap in the afternoon. She took a 3 hour afternoon nap at daycare the other day.  
Sleeping (at night): Wow how far we have come with sleeping throughout the night...she will go to bed between 7 and 8pm and sleep till about 5:30am. Sometimes she will wake up around 3 or 4am and we will just put the pacifier back in her mouth and then she will go back to sleep. This weekend she slept till 7am and it was awesome! She has this new sea dream soother for her crib and she loves to watch the fish dance and move before going to sleep. We can put her in her crib awake and she will put herself to sleep.
Clothing: She fits into all her 3 month clothes now and can fit into some 6 month clothes although they are a little big still.
*I am aware her onesie "3 month" decal is not he wrong way...that was a major mom fail, I wish I could blame it on lack of sleep but I actually got a lot of sleep last night and I was just distracted haha

New this month: 
  • Morgan loves to tell us what she thinks and is constantly making noises and babbling. 
  • She loves to grab everything..from my hair and my glasses to her bibs and blankets, Morgan will grab everything in her range!
  • She loves to run her had up and down her changing unit on the pack n play she loves how the fabric feels haha
  • She loves bouncing up and down on my knee and starts to smile and giggle.
  • Holding her head up like a champ and sitting up really well.
Nicknames: My girlfriends started calling her "Mo" and Matt and I continue to call her peanut :)
Morgan likes:
  • Still loves her activity mat and now can grab and kick the thinning animals 
  • Chilling in the mob by wrap and being held
  • Her crib sea dream soother 
  • Her swing
  • Starting to recognize the colors and objects on the TV and loves watching the Mickey mouse club show
  • Napping with daddy on the couch after work and daycare
  • Sucking on her hands, she will find her thumb eventually!

Morgan dislikes:
  • She dislikes having a wet diaper and lets us know :)
  • Laying down for too long, she prefers to sit up more now

Monday, September 8, 2014

The pros and cons of being a military wife

Don't get me wrong I am extremely grateful for all our service men and women and I am so proud of my husband for all that he scarifies. I will be the first one to defend the military and I am grateful for the opportunities and lifestyle it has provided us. However, not everything is rainbows and butterflies and when the military makes most of your decisions for you, it can get frustrating.

The Pros
  • We have the amazing opportunity to live in England for three years. We are within driving distance of Scotland and we can hop on a two hour plane ride to get to most countries in Europe. 
  • Housing allowance- the military will pay for housing and utilities. When you live on base you don't even see a bill when it comes to rent or utilities so it makes it super easy and it's a great benefit living in the UK not to have to worry about that cost since its already so expensive here!
  • The opportunity to move...a lot! Right now Matt and I are enjoying not staying in one place for too long. I love the fact that after three years in England we will get to go somewhere else and explore new things. 
  • Healthcare- I think the military healthcare system is great and I have always had pretty good experiences with all the doctors I have encountered. I love that you don't have to worry about getting a hospital bill or paying for a prescription. It was so nice when I had my daughter Morgan not to have to worry about any added expenses.
  • You meet a lot of great people and develop strong friendships. Also, after multiple moves you start to have friends all across the country which is great for traveling :)

The Cons
  • While the constant moving is great, it also comes with inconsistency that can make it difficult to get a job or stay with a company for very long. Most of the time military wives are over qualified and underpaid for the position they work in. When you are constantly moving you will usually take the first job offered to you because it can be so difficult to get an offer in the first place. When employers know you are in the military they know you might not be around for very long and don't want to invest their time and money in someone who might not be around in a year. 
  • You have to learn to be flexible and give up a lot. With my husbands job he can get called on a trip at a moments notice so a lot of the times our plans have to change. I learned the hard way to always get travel insurance! I booked a non refundable trip to Paris once and my husband ended up being on call that weekend and we lost all our money from the trip, yikes!
  • The air force is number one. The spouse and rest of the family will always come second and I have learned to be ok with that. There are many nights I don't know what time Matt will be coming home from work and I will try and wait for him to eat dinner just for it to end up being cold or not eaten at all. Matt also has worked different shift schedules which can add stress to the fact that we might not see each other Monday-Friday and that can be difficult.
  • You are usually far away from friends and family. The military community is close so you learn to make your friends your family and holidays are spent with your neighbors or other families from your husbands squadron. However, it does not take the place that many holidays and social occasions are missed or spent apart from your family members.  
  • The constant reminder in the back of your head that deployments are never out of the questions and there is also a possibility Matt could be taken away from us for months. 

Overall I would not have it any other way. I am proud to be a military wife and I love my husband for everything he does for Morgan and I. But I am not going to lie once he retires from the Air Force I can't wait to have our freedom back ;)

Can you smell it?.....Fall is in the air!

It is officially Fall time in the DC household! I know it might not "officially" be fall yet but September 1st is the day it is acceptable for me to put away all signs of summer and break out the pumpkin decorations and boots. Things I am already starting to love this fall...

My pumpkin mug

Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Spice coffee K cups (since there is no Dunkin donuts near us in England, this is the closest I can get)

Football Season! No need for any more explanation there is nothing better than a Sunday full of good food, good beer and football :)

This Pumpkin Spice Crunch Cake. I found on Pinterest this weekend and made it and oh wow its amazing and super easy to make!! Recipe can be found in the link below, but all you need is box of spice cake, crushed up Heath bars, canned pumpkin and cream cheese frosting.


And lastly, this is my last week of maternity leave, tear! So sad, I am going to miss spending the mornings with this beautiful baby girl!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Unnecessary baby items that you don't need!

Before having Morgan I thought I needed every baby item listed on Babies R Us. When making my baby registry I was overwhelmed with the amount of things the website "recommended" for parents. My house is not that big so I had no idea where we were going to put everything but that didn't matter I had to have it all. Poor Matt had no clue what half of the stuff was for but he dare not argue with me about it :) After having Morgan I have come to the conclusion that there are certain items you do not need and will never use. Don't get me wrong we are using a lot of the stuff we have and it is insane how much room all that stuff does take up but there are some items you can live without. 

1) Baby bath tub: Some parents may use it all the time but I found it to be a huge pain. The kitchen sink will work just fine until baby is strong enough to hold their head up, then they can just take a shower with mom or dad. It is much easier and you don't have to constantly fill up the bath tub and clean it. I found it difficult to hold onto a slippery baby in the baby bath tub and I think the shower works much better. 

2) Diaper wipe warmer: The wipe warmer is a nice luxury for the baby, however most of the time we change Morgan downstairs and use cold wipes. Also sometimes the wipe warmer can dry out the wipes and it constantly needs to be plugged in. Nice to have but not a necessity. 

3) Crib bedding set: You aren't suppose to put anything in cribs anymore and now they have these "breathable" bumpers for babies so bedding sets are kind of pointless. We can't have anything but a fitted sheet in Morgan's crib because she will somehow get any blankets that are in her crib over her head. 


4) A bottle rack for the dishwasher: Half the time I clean the bottles by hand with a bottle brush. I try to remember to put the bottles in the dishwasher when I start it but I usually forget. We go through bottles so much I can wait for the dishwasher to get full to get them clean. 
5) Lastly, a ton of clothes. Yes I know this is crazy because babes go through a lot of clothes but I didn't have time to get Morgan in everything before she grew out of it! The really cute clothes are the hardest to because they are usually two pieces and its hard to keep Morgan warm when her dress keeps coming up. I prefer onesies but that is just me :) 