Friday, September 5, 2014

Unnecessary baby items that you don't need!

Before having Morgan I thought I needed every baby item listed on Babies R Us. When making my baby registry I was overwhelmed with the amount of things the website "recommended" for parents. My house is not that big so I had no idea where we were going to put everything but that didn't matter I had to have it all. Poor Matt had no clue what half of the stuff was for but he dare not argue with me about it :) After having Morgan I have come to the conclusion that there are certain items you do not need and will never use. Don't get me wrong we are using a lot of the stuff we have and it is insane how much room all that stuff does take up but there are some items you can live without. 

1) Baby bath tub: Some parents may use it all the time but I found it to be a huge pain. The kitchen sink will work just fine until baby is strong enough to hold their head up, then they can just take a shower with mom or dad. It is much easier and you don't have to constantly fill up the bath tub and clean it. I found it difficult to hold onto a slippery baby in the baby bath tub and I think the shower works much better. 

2) Diaper wipe warmer: The wipe warmer is a nice luxury for the baby, however most of the time we change Morgan downstairs and use cold wipes. Also sometimes the wipe warmer can dry out the wipes and it constantly needs to be plugged in. Nice to have but not a necessity. 

3) Crib bedding set: You aren't suppose to put anything in cribs anymore and now they have these "breathable" bumpers for babies so bedding sets are kind of pointless. We can't have anything but a fitted sheet in Morgan's crib because she will somehow get any blankets that are in her crib over her head. 


4) A bottle rack for the dishwasher: Half the time I clean the bottles by hand with a bottle brush. I try to remember to put the bottles in the dishwasher when I start it but I usually forget. We go through bottles so much I can wait for the dishwasher to get full to get them clean. 
5) Lastly, a ton of clothes. Yes I know this is crazy because babes go through a lot of clothes but I didn't have time to get Morgan in everything before she grew out of it! The really cute clothes are the hardest to because they are usually two pieces and its hard to keep Morgan warm when her dress keeps coming up. I prefer onesies but that is just me :) 

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