Eating: Morgan's appetite has started to change because some days she can't get enough but other days she will go longer periods between bottles and I can't believe she isn't hungry yet. She keeps me on my toes!
She likes to nurse in the morning but that is about the only period in the day I can get her to nurse; the rest of the time it's me and the pump! I think in order to get more sleep when I go back to work I am going to start reducing my pumping so I can stop altogether hopefully in the next couple of weeks. I have enough frozen breast milk for almost another month but then its on to all formula. She takes formula at night so I know she will be fine, but it has taken a lot for me to decide to stop breast feeding 3 months short of my goal. But I couldn't have predicted she would not want to breastfeed and so I am doing what is best for us now.
Sleeping (naps): She usually has a morning nap around 9am and then will nap on and off throughout the day.
Sleeping (at night): Morgan's bedtime is 8pm and she usually goes down really well now and will sleep anywhere from 6-7 hours straight. We usually wake up around 2:30/3am to feed her and then try and get her back asleep in her crib. She will always wake up at 5:30/6am and want to come into bed with us and at that point we are both too tired to arguer with her :)
Clothing: She is officially out of her newborn clothes and into her 0-3 month clothes.
New this month:
- She is starting to smile, especially in the mornings she is the happiest.
- She is also able to try and communicate with us with her cooing and babbling.
- She can see her mobile and her toys hanging from her pack in play and loves looking at them. She also loves the american flag on the wall and will stare at it for hours.
- She is drooling so much and gets every outfit soaking wet. She also loves sucking on her hand.
Nicknames: Peanut, Morganator...our new one is beast because at night we say "don't wake the beast" :) oh and her uncle Dylan started calling her Morggie.
Morgan likes:
- Chilling in her big puffy chair
- Being held
- Sucking on her hand
- Being talked to and smiled at
- Her pacifier
- Her activity mat
- Stretching
- Blowing bubbles
Morgan dislikes:
- Still hates being swaddled
- Most of the time she is a very happy baby :)
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