Thursday, July 24, 2014

Morgan 1 Month

Weight & Height: She was 7.5 lbs at her two week appointment but she is growing like a weed so I know she weighs more now. Not sure about height, I will measure her for the next update.
Eating: Morgan loves to eat! Sometimes she will cluster feed and eat a lot at once, or like yesterday she didn't eat for 5 hours and slept the entire time! (It also depends on how much formula and how much breast milk we are putting in her bottles.)
I am still just pumping breast milk mostly into bottles but we are getting better with latching and trying to add a few nursing sessions in throughout the day. She still falls asleep after about five minutes of nursing and its impossible to wake her up!
Sleeping (naps): Naping randomly throughout the day. 
Sleeping (at night): Morgan is doing great with night sleeping lately! the routine is normally going to bed around 10 but takes about 30-45 minutes to get her down then she sleeps till about 2:30 when /i have to wake up and pump and feed her and takes about 30 minutes to get back down till about 6:30am. In the morning is grandmas shift :) so grandma takes her into her room until about 8am so I can get some  sleep. 
Clothing: Still hits in her newborn clothes but they are starting to get small on her. She can fit into some 0-3 months clothes and we are about out of the newborn diapers.
New this month:
  • She is very aware of her surroundings and loves looking at her mobile in her crib and little toys hanging from her swing. 
  • She is also able to sit up in her gumbo seat and can almost keep her head up for awhile!
  • Morgan loves sleeping on her side and when we put her on her blanket to do "tummy time" she is able to roll herself onto her side.
  • Starrting to smile...may still just be from gas though :)

Nicknames: Peanut, Morganator
Morgan likes:
  • Country music
  • Her swing
  • Blowing bubbles with her mouth
  • Sleeping with her hands by her face
  • Morgan loves being talked to

Morgan dislikes:
  • Being swaddled
  • Getting the hiccups, which happens often!

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