Monday, July 21, 2014

Morgan has arrived!

Morgan Duggan-Childs was born on Tuesday June 24, 2014 at 11:34am at 6lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches long. My labor started on Sunday evening, I started have stronger braxton hicks contractions and I woke up at 5am on Monday morning and could not go back to sleep because I was so uncomfortable! Matt was suppose to go into work at 8am but my contractions started getting stronger so he called into work to stay home with me. Around 10am we went to labor and delivery where they told us that I would probably going into labor tonight but that I was not ready to be admitted and I should go eat some lunch and take a walk.

I was kind of disappointed I wanted to be able to get the show on the road but instead we went home and took a 2 mile walk to try and get my labor started. I waited about 5 hours before going back to the hospital. The contractions were continuing to get stronger and closer together and I was sure I would get admitted this time. Nope! they sent me home again and said to continue to labor at home because I wasn't dilated enough yet. Long story short we went back two more times before we finally got admitted and  I got the magical epidural! The next couple hours we slept waiting for things to progress and then around 2am the doctor broke my water and it was more waiting around and sleeping till it was time to push. I pushed for about 3 hours, Morgan did not want to come out easy! But she finally made her appearance into the world 1 week and 1 day early :) Matt and I were instantly in love. We spent the next couple days in the hospital and my mom arrived the day were were discharged.

We ended up having to go back to the hospital and spend one more night there for Morgan's jaundice and low birth weight. She was not latching properly when trying to breastfeed and she lost a lot of weight in the 24 hours we were at home. I started pumping and we also started supplementing formula to help get her weight back up. The breastfeeding has been a whole different struggle and I am not sure we will completely get there all the way but I have made it to one month so far so we will take it day by day :)

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