1. Chipotle! Oh Chipotle how I miss you so much!
2. Dunkin Donuts (iced coffee please!)
3. Dogfishhead 90minute IPA (and other good IPAs) actually just going into Total Wine will be amazing!
4. Getting a pedicure. The pedicures in England consist of a bowl to put your feet in...
5. Going to the movies. Yes, we have theaters here but they are expensive in GBP and the theater on base never plays good movies.
6. Chick-fil-a...need I say more
7. Body pump class at Gold Gym, I will buy a week pass just so I can go to that class again
8. Going to Target!!!! ekk :) oh and Kohls, and Home Goods and a Mall!
9. Listening to country music on the radio (its the little things people)
10. Ok, I can't leave my friends and family out of the list that would just be wrong! Especially since we will have some awesome guests visiting to include my mother-in-law, cousin and aunt! :)