Weight & Height: She is 19lbs and 29inches! (90th percentile!)
Eating: Still eats like a champ! Loves her oatmeal or porridge in the morning with fruit and then lunch is usually peas and sweet potatoes or yams and dinner consists of a vegetable and fruit. We also start on the baby Gerber puffs and she loves those too. I think I am going to try eggs and avocados over the next month.
Sleeping (naps): Naps have been a struggle because she has been sick a lot lately and napping has been off and on.
Sleeping (at night): Usually will sleep through the night with no problem unless she isn't feeling good. She will go to bed around 7pm and sleep till about 6:15am, sometimes 7am if we are lucky she will do that on a weekend :)
Clothing: Our little chunk is in 12 month clothes and soon will be out of those! She has the cutest chancy thighs but a lot of the baby pants won't fit over them! So its a lot of onesie with no pants.
Morgan had her first trip to LONDON! She had a blast and everyone loved her bear outfit and kept coming up to her and smiling at her, she was having so much fun!
New this month:
- We are making moves with the crawling she can now balance on all fours and is rocking back and forth, she wants to crawl but just hasn't gotten there yet. However, that does not keep her from moving everywhere is has mastered the backwards push and scoots around on her butt.
- She loves pulling down all the DVDs from the TV unit. She also loves to empty the drawers of her toy bin. She started using the baby walker and loves to scoot around (only backwards of course) in that too.
- She can stand without help by holding onto something, she is still super wobbly so we have to be right there but she is able to support herself.
- This month Morgan will get to go on her first plane back the the USA for the first time!
- I am officially a stay at home mom, which is new for Morgan and me. I am excited to see what the future holds and spend every precious moment with her.
- Starting to get a lot more hair on her head :)
Morgan likes:
- Loves the computer in the TV Unit she will scoot her little but over to it and play with it forever.
- Pull everything out of anything and making a mess! Especially the DVDs out of the entertainment unit
- Sesame Street and Elmo, they are her favorite :)
- Bath time
- Her pink blankies
- Mirrors, she loves looking at her reflection.
Morgan dislikes:
- Getting her face cleaned
- Getting dressed
- Socks, she always pulls them off
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