Weight & Height: She is 17.7lbs and 28inches
Eating: She loves porridge mixed with fruit in the mornings and then a vegetable and fruit in the afternoon and some sweet potatoes and yams with vegetables in the evening. She has about 4 bottles a day now but really loves her food :) I don't think there is anything she would not eat!
Sleeping (naps): She will take one really long nap in the morning about 2-3hours and then an afternoon nap that varies between 1-2 hours.
Sleeping (at night): It has been a little rough the past couple weeks with sleeping because she has been sick, but for the two weeks over the past two month she was not sick she slept through the night!
Clothing: 9-12 month clothes. the 12 months are a little big but the 9 months are just about getting too small.
New this month:
- Morgan wants to crawl and will scoot backwards but hasn't mastered the crawling forwards yet.
- Babbling to herself, she loves to say dadada over and over
- Still no teeth but she wants to chew on anything and everything so its only a matter of time.
- Eating baby food consistently, she loves fruit and vegetables!
- Bath time! Morgan will stay in the bathtub forever if she could, she cries when I take her out.
- Well this isn't really new but she loves to sleep with a blanket on her head, now that she is old enough and knows how to pull it off herself we let her sleep with her blanket over her head. It is so funny when she tired she will find any blanket and pull it up over her head and fall asleep, so cute!
Nicknames: MoMo is still standing strong :)
Morgan likes:
- Her jumper, she will jump in that thing for hours
- Her pink blankie that her aunt Theresa gave her
- My cell phone, or any electronics. That girl love the tv remote control
- The TV show the Doozers, Matt and I could sing the theme song to it in our sleep
- Her fish dream soother, she has figured out how to turn it on and off on her own.
Morgan dislikes:
- The sound of packaging tape wrapping up a box, its so funny on two separate occasions when I was packaging a box up she starts to cry so historically from the noise the tape makes.
- Me using the nose sucker on her or nose drops which has made it difficult this past couple weeks since she has been so sick lately.
I didn't get a 6 month post up because well life happens and we got so busy and before you we knew it she was 7 months! But here are some 6 month pictures :)
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