Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Cambridge, Popcorn, and Bicycle Rides

It has been a lot colder around here lately which has made it harder to get out and about this week. Pair that with Morgan not napping very well and it has been a glass of wine at the end of the day kind of week!

Monday it was still pretty warm out and we went to Cambridge with some friends to eat the best Fish and Chips ever at a pub called the Eagle. The Eagle is a famous pub from WWII and it still has its original ceiling where all the soldiers wrote their names on it.

On the way home from the pub we stop at the market and got the best Salted Carmel popcorn ever! Needless to say it is already gone in this house :)

 Later that afternoon Morgan's new bike seat came in the mail! Matt was too excited to wait to try it out so he got it geared up on his bike and off they went.

She loved biking and was laughing and clapping her hands the whole time. Hopefully the weather will be nice this weekend and we can go on a family bike ride at Thetford Forest.

Tuesday it was cold and very windy! We tried to go to Stroller Warriors and made it half way through our run before we bailed and went home to warm up! It was a long day for Morgan not napping and by dinner time she was exhausted!

Lastly, yesterday Morgan tried Mac n Cheese! She loved the cheese part but kept spitting out the noodles :) (Maybe a little too soon for noodles)

Crossing my fingers for good weather today so we can make it back outside for Stroller Warriors!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Beer Brewing, Stroller Warriors and Farmer's Markets

My goal to try and stay busy this week has been successful so far :) Monday Matt got off work early and the weather was amazing so of course is was a beer brewing day in this household. Matt has gotten pretty good at getting the 5-6 hour process down to a science and has built himself a pretty nice set up (and it's on wheels!)

Tuesday my friend and I went to our first stroller warriors run. Stroller Warriors in a group of women that go spend time working out and running with their kids. It is a great active group that I think I will appreciate having since I am not working anymore. They get together a lot so I am hoping I can at least make it twice a week.

The first time didn't go over so well because Morgan didn't nap that morning and decided she did not want to be in her stroller half way through the run. She was in full out screaming mode and for everyone's sake I took her home instead of finishing the workout. We have been having issues napping and sleeping in but more on that later!

Today I took Morgan to the market in Bury St Edmunds and enjoyed a picnic lunch with our friends. I swear Morgan was having  good time, she just has a natural stink face on all the time, it is pretty funny. I wish the weather was nicer out because it was a little chilly for a picnic but we made it work.

I love going to the market because the fruit and veggies are so yummy and everything just taste better. I also got a coconut, banana, fruit cookie (I ate it before I could get a picture) but trust me it was amazing :)

The stuff in the container is a greek salad, I definitely thought the onions were noodles when I bought it, that is a lot of onions but it's still pretty tasty!

Here's to hoping the rest of the week is full of nice weather, good workouts, time at the park and going on some more runs with Morgan!

Friday, April 17, 2015

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My Blogging Pledge

I have never been great at keeping this blog up to date or putting much work into it. I created it as a way to keep family up to date about our lives in England and after I got pregnant it became a place where I updated about my pregnancy and after I had Morgan I used it to post monthly updates about her growth. I always used the excuse that I didn't have time to blog with working full tim and having a baby but now that I am a stay at home mom I don't have that excuse anymore. I need to become better about posting during the week. My pledge to this blog is that I will post at least three times a week. With that being said here are a couple things I am looking forward to this weekend!

1) Having the husband home! I need to go through Morgan's clothes and put away the ones that don't fit her anymore and that is hard to do when you have a baby that won't sit still and wants to take all the clothes out the drawer as I am putting them in, so having the hubby around to help will be nice!

2)We also try and do a movie night every Friday so I am looking forward to watching Foxcatcher with him tonight.

3) Taste of Lakenheath: On Saturday night I am gong to a beer, wine and cocktail tasting with a couple girlfriends. The attire is business casual so I am looking forward to getting dressed up (aka not workout clothes or sweats) and having some girl time while enjoying for beverages :)

4) I am hoping the weather will stay nice this weekend and we can take a couple family walks to the park. Morgan is loving the swings and can't get enough.

5) I am going to see the Cinderella movie at the theater this Sunday with a friend and her daughter. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Disney and I am so excited to see this movie!!