Friday, April 17, 2015

My Blogging Pledge

I have never been great at keeping this blog up to date or putting much work into it. I created it as a way to keep family up to date about our lives in England and after I got pregnant it became a place where I updated about my pregnancy and after I had Morgan I used it to post monthly updates about her growth. I always used the excuse that I didn't have time to blog with working full tim and having a baby but now that I am a stay at home mom I don't have that excuse anymore. I need to become better about posting during the week. My pledge to this blog is that I will post at least three times a week. With that being said here are a couple things I am looking forward to this weekend!

1) Having the husband home! I need to go through Morgan's clothes and put away the ones that don't fit her anymore and that is hard to do when you have a baby that won't sit still and wants to take all the clothes out the drawer as I am putting them in, so having the hubby around to help will be nice!

2)We also try and do a movie night every Friday so I am looking forward to watching Foxcatcher with him tonight.

3) Taste of Lakenheath: On Saturday night I am gong to a beer, wine and cocktail tasting with a couple girlfriends. The attire is business casual so I am looking forward to getting dressed up (aka not workout clothes or sweats) and having some girl time while enjoying for beverages :)

4) I am hoping the weather will stay nice this weekend and we can take a couple family walks to the park. Morgan is loving the swings and can't get enough.

5) I am going to see the Cinderella movie at the theater this Sunday with a friend and her daughter. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Disney and I am so excited to see this movie!!

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