We just got back from a four day weekend trip to France! We visited Paris and Normandy it was a great trip but we are exhausted! Traveling with a baby is a lot of work. I will do a separate post about our trip.
I am trying to get back into our routine we had before we went on the trip but it has been difficult. Morgan's schedule is off and we leave for Switzerland in about 2 weeks so I have no motivation to be productive. I feel like I was more motivated and productive when I worked full time. Being home all day it takes a lot of motivation to do anything! You would like it would be the exact opposite because now I have all the time in the world to get things done that I never felt like I had time for before.
The balance between working and family time is a hard thing to do and I am finding it more difficult to get my grasp on this whole stay at home mom gig :) I know it will take time and all the traveling we are doing is going to keep us busy. A lot of things to look forward to in the next couple of months!
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Mother's Day Recap
It was my first mother's day and it could not have been spent any better :) It started off with me getting to sleep in till almost 8am which felt amazing! Matt went and got us yummy breakfast burritos from the golf course grill and then we were off to Nottingham!
I decided I wanted to do something fun for mother's day instead of a gift and so we drove 2 hours to the town of Nottingham with Morgan and our bikes and went for a great bike ride. The weather was awesome and the scenery was beautiful. There was a rowing competition going on at the lake and so many families out walking around.
After the bike ride we drove into the city and stopped at our favorite brewery Brewdog. This beer is my favorite! They had so many different beers on tap so I of course had a sample a couple :)
Morgan enjoyed playing with the sampling board too!
After relaxing with some beers we got an early dinner at Nandos and heading back home.
It was an awesome mother's day with my family and I wouldn't have wanted to spend it any other way.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Morgan 10 Months (and a couple weeks!)
So the trend with these posts seems to be more like 2 weeks past how many months old she is...
I have completely given up on ironing on the number to her onesie every time because it takes to much time and never comes out well, but it was a good effort I guess :)
Height & Weight: At her appointment she was 21 lbs and 7oz I believe, but I forgot to ask her height, opps!
Eating: Morgan has been more interested in feeding herself lately. We give her bananas, mangos, eggs, oatmeal, cheerios and we tried mac n cheese which she wasn't sure what to do with the noodles, but she liked everything else we have given her so far. She still takes a bottle in the morning and at night and sometimes twice during the day.
Sleeping (naps): We are still struggling with taking longer naps, sometimes she will take two hour and a half naps a day which is great and sometimes she will take 4 30 minute naps throughout the day.
Sleeping (night): Morgan has always been really good at sleeping through the night. We have started to keep her up till at least 8pm now because she is an early riser and was waking up at 5am so now she will sleep in till at least 6am, which is still early but better than nothing :)
Clothing: She fits into 12 month clothes but they are just starting to get a little tight. We have been putting her in 18 month clothes which are still a little big.
New this month: Since I never did a 9 month update there are a lot of things new this month!
Morgan likes:
I have completely given up on ironing on the number to her onesie every time because it takes to much time and never comes out well, but it was a good effort I guess :)
Height & Weight: At her appointment she was 21 lbs and 7oz I believe, but I forgot to ask her height, opps!
Eating: Morgan has been more interested in feeding herself lately. We give her bananas, mangos, eggs, oatmeal, cheerios and we tried mac n cheese which she wasn't sure what to do with the noodles, but she liked everything else we have given her so far. She still takes a bottle in the morning and at night and sometimes twice during the day.
Sleeping (naps): We are still struggling with taking longer naps, sometimes she will take two hour and a half naps a day which is great and sometimes she will take 4 30 minute naps throughout the day.
Sleeping (night): Morgan has always been really good at sleeping through the night. We have started to keep her up till at least 8pm now because she is an early riser and was waking up at 5am so now she will sleep in till at least 6am, which is still early but better than nothing :)
Clothing: She fits into 12 month clothes but they are just starting to get a little tight. We have been putting her in 18 month clothes which are still a little big.
- Morgan is crawling! She is on the move all day, every day.
- She is also able to pull herself up on the couch, my legs, bookshelves, gates, doors (this house is officially baby proofed)
- Lots of babbling and repeating. I will say uh oh and she will repeat me. She also always sounds like she is trying to talk it is the cutest thing.
- Two bottom teeth. The girl finally has teeth! which helps when she eats real food but we are still waiting on the top teeth.
- I also have to keep my floors completely clean otherwise she will go around and eat everything off the floor!
- Morgan loves crawling back and forth underneath the coffee table, hours of entertainment!
- She also loves to play with her books and take them all off the shelf.
- Playing with her friends
- Biking riding with dad
- Standing up on everything!
- Her puffs and cheerios
- Drinking water out of my camelback water bottle
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