Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mother's Day Recap

It was my first mother's day and it could not have been spent any better :) It started off with me getting to sleep in till almost 8am which felt amazing! Matt went and got us yummy breakfast burritos from the golf course grill and then we were off to Nottingham!

I decided I wanted to do something fun for mother's day instead of a gift and so we drove 2 hours to the town of Nottingham with Morgan and our bikes and went for a great bike ride. The weather was awesome and the scenery was beautiful. There was a rowing competition going on at the lake and so many families out walking around. 

After the bike ride we drove into the city and stopped at our favorite brewery Brewdog. This beer is my favorite! They had so many different beers on tap so I of course had a sample a couple :)

Morgan enjoyed playing with the sampling board too!

After relaxing with some beers we got an early dinner at Nandos and heading back home. 

It was an awesome mother's day with my family and I wouldn't have wanted to spend it any other way. 

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