Thursday, July 7, 2016

36 Weeks Pregnant!

I am hoping this may be my last post before baby (fingers crossed she decides to make her arrival around 38 weeks!)


Estimated Due Date: August 3, 2016 

Gender: Girl :) Molly Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain28 maybe 30 now who knows…

Eats and Treats: lemonade, watermelon, dark chocolate, cinnamon rolls (nothing healthy for me haha)

How I Am Feeling: Well this baby has definitely giving me a harder time than Morgan. The heartburn and indigestion is sooooo bad and I have relly bad lower pelvic pressure and pain. Not to mention the cramping and stomach aches of man I will be happy when I am not pregnant anymore.

Clothing: maternity dresses, workout clothes and sweat pants

Exercise: No more running for me, the lower pressure pain has gotten too bad. I am still trying to walk 2x a week and getting in some lunges/weight work outs about 2x a week as well. It is getting harder to do anything with the pain and the exhaustion.

Most Looking Forward To: Having this baby! And the baby potluck my friend Sarah is having for us on Sunday.

Thankful For: My mom coming out in about 10 days! I don’t think I could do this without her!

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