Saturday, August 20, 2016

Molly 1 Month

Weight & Height: She was 6lbs 13 oz at her two week appointment and a little over 19inches tall

Eating: Molly is a champ at breastfeeding. She nurses every 3-4 hours throughout the day/night.

Molly will take  about one bottle of breast milk in the evening (4oz) and then exclusively nurses throughout the day/evening.

Sleeping (naps): Naps randomly throughout the day. 

Sleeping (at night): Molly will sleep from about 9pm to 12am and then wakes up for about 2 ½-3hours to nurse and just be cranky. Then she will go back to sleep from 3-6am and by then her sister is up and ready for the day to start. Needless to say I am exhausted! I am hoping we can start decreasing our awake time at night time and that will help me get a little more sleep. Molly is also an extremely loud sleeper and grunts/squeaks throughout the night.

Clothing: Same as her sister, she is finally fitting into newborn clothes and some 0-3 month clothes. We are also almost out of newborn diapers and starting size 1.

New this month:
   Molly loves taking in her surroundings and loves looking at her sister.
   She has great neck strength!
   Loves to be swaddled

Morgan loves her sister Molly so much. She is so sweet to her and will sing to her, share her stuffed animals with her and lay on the ground and play with her. 

Nicknames: Peanut, Molls, Puke Face (because she spits up so much!)

Molly likes:

   Her vibrating chair
   Her sister
   Making noises

Molly dislikes:

   Getting the hiccups
   Getting her diaper changed
   She also spits up a lot!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Molly's Birth Story

Since I did a birth story for Morgan, I wanted to make sure I did one for Molly while my memory is still fresh :)

Molly's birth story is very different than Morgan's because first it was about half the time and everything went a lot smoother because I knew what to expect. Luckily my mom got here 2 days before Molly decided to make her appearance. Molly was born on July 21, 2016 at 38 weeks and 1 day. She weighed 6lbs 9oz and was 19 inches long. On Thursday morning I woke up feeling completely fine. I as expecting to maybe feel a little different because I had the doctor do a membrane sweep the day before to help induce labor. We started our day like we always do and headed out to stroller warriors to go for a walk and let Morgan play at the park with her friends. I was having some small contractions at the park but didn't think much of it. By the time we left the park my mom and I decided to go to get lunch at the Greek restaurant on base and that's when my contractions started to pick up. Matt had to go to an appointment and so once we got Morgan put down for a nap my mom helped me labor through most of the contractions at home. I didn't have nearly as bad of back labor this time around and things seemed to progress way quicker this time! Once Matt got home they were getting pretty intense and so I took a shower and then we headed to the hospital.

Once we got to the hospital around 2:30pm and found out I was 6cm dilated we were admitted and I was so happy to be dilated so far! I got and epidural pretty fast and finally started to relax. My mom and Morgan stopped by to hang out for a little bit. Morgan was a little scared of me sitting in the hospital bed with all the IV's hooked up to me.

The doctor came in an hour or so later and broke my water. My mom and Morgan headed home and then Matt and I just hun out and waited. Around 8:45pm the doctor finally came back in and realized it was time to start pushing. I started pushing around 8:58pm and Molly was born at 9:05pm! Only took a couple pushes and she was out which was so much easier than the 3 hours I pushed with Morgan!

The next day my mom and Morgan came to the hospital to meet Molly. Morgan was a little hesitant at first but soon fell in love with her and is the best big sister!

We are so lucky to have Molly as a part of our family of four :)