Saturday, August 20, 2016

Molly 1 Month

Weight & Height: She was 6lbs 13 oz at her two week appointment and a little over 19inches tall

Eating: Molly is a champ at breastfeeding. She nurses every 3-4 hours throughout the day/night.

Molly will take  about one bottle of breast milk in the evening (4oz) and then exclusively nurses throughout the day/evening.

Sleeping (naps): Naps randomly throughout the day. 

Sleeping (at night): Molly will sleep from about 9pm to 12am and then wakes up for about 2 ½-3hours to nurse and just be cranky. Then she will go back to sleep from 3-6am and by then her sister is up and ready for the day to start. Needless to say I am exhausted! I am hoping we can start decreasing our awake time at night time and that will help me get a little more sleep. Molly is also an extremely loud sleeper and grunts/squeaks throughout the night.

Clothing: Same as her sister, she is finally fitting into newborn clothes and some 0-3 month clothes. We are also almost out of newborn diapers and starting size 1.

New this month:
   Molly loves taking in her surroundings and loves looking at her sister.
   She has great neck strength!
   Loves to be swaddled

Morgan loves her sister Molly so much. She is so sweet to her and will sing to her, share her stuffed animals with her and lay on the ground and play with her. 

Nicknames: Peanut, Molls, Puke Face (because she spits up so much!)

Molly likes:

   Her vibrating chair
   Her sister
   Making noises

Molly dislikes:

   Getting the hiccups
   Getting her diaper changed
   She also spits up a lot!

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