Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Molly 2 Month Update

We are officially in PCS mode and living out of suitcases in a hotel. We leave for Maine in 2 days and then it's on to Virginia and then HAWAII!

Morgan and Molly have bother been doing great with he transition so I am hoping it stays that way.

Not a whole lot has changed in the past month with Molly although she is starting to smile and coo and it is so cute! We are getting a little more sleep but still getting up and being awake for multiple hours at night. And Molly is still spitting up pretty bad, I just feel so bad for her and it makes for a lot of laundry!

We have been so busy lately it's been hard remembering to take pictures but I promise to get more for next month Molly!

Also because we are in PCS mode the bear will be missing for the next couple monthly updates :(

Weight & Height: She was 10lbs 10oz at her two month appointment and 22 inches tall

Eating: Still pretty much exclusively breastfeeding sometimes takes a bottle once in awhile and eats about 6 times a day/night

Sleeping (naps): Takes a short nap in the morning and a 2-3 hour long nap in the afternoon

Sleeping (at night): She normally goes to bed around 8:30/9ish and sleeps till either 2:30 or 3 (sometimes 4 if I am lucky). She will wake up and nurse for about 30 minutes and then go back to sleep till about 6:00am

Clothing: wearing all her 3 month clothes and probably not to far before she’s in 3-6 month

New this month:
   She is smiling a lot lately
   Noticing her hands and feet
   Loves kicking her feet around
   Started cooing and blowing bubbles

Nicknames: Good golly miss Molly ;)

Molly likes:

   Being held
   Her rock n play
   Sitting up in a chair
   Being in the Tula

Molly dislikes:
   Still spitting up a lot (like projectile pukes all the time!)
   She is also pretty gassy (and it stinks haha)
   Tummy time

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