Weight and Height: At her 4 month
doctors appointment she was 15lbs 8oz and 24inches long. Also she is in the 90th
percentile for head circumference haha.
Eating: Breastfeeding on demand and
then occasionally when she is still hungry I will give her a bottle. Then at
night time I give her a 4oz bottle half of formula and half breast milk before
bed. I go back anf forth with continuing to breastfed. It is becoming more
difficult but sometimes it’s the only thing that will calm her down and at
night time its so convenient. My goal is to at least make it till 6 months.
Sleeping: Since getting to Hawaii
and Molly turning 4 months we had a little but of sleep regression where she
was waking up consistently 3-4 times at night. However for about a week now she
is going to bed around 7:30/8 and sleeping till 3 or 4 (sometimes 5) and will
nurse and sometimes go back to sleep. For naps they are kind of all over the
place but I am trying to get her to nap more in a bedroom so she doesn’t get woken
up by her sister.
Clothing: 6 Month clothes and some
9 month clothes.
New this month:
Molly is more aware of her
surroundings, she knows who we are and will follow up around the room with her
eyes. Getting good at sitting up on her own. Likes to roll around on her sides.
Molly likes:
Putting everything in her mouth.
She loves the Sophia giraffe to chew on. Hearing her own voice and loves to
scream. Chewing on her fingers. Watching her sister play.
Molly Dislikes:
The car, she cries every time we
put her in the car. The hours of 4-7pm, she isn’t the easiest baby in the
evenings and we have to cancel plans often if we know they will go past 7:30 because
girlfriend will lose it when we are out.
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