& Height:
Molly is 18lbs and 27 inches tall
Eating: Molly is taking 6oz of
formula every 4 hours and has rice ceral with fruit for breakfast and then
usually some veggie and fruit combination around 3 or 4pm. She also has started
real solids and likes bananas and papayas. She also tried eggs this month. She
can also pick up her yogurt melts and puffs from the highchair
(naps): Molly
will usually take about an hour nap in the morning around 8am then will take a
longer 2 hour nap in the afternoon around 1. Around 5pm she starts to get a
little cranky and will go back down for a 40minute nap and then is up till 7pm
when she goes to bed.
(at night): Molly
is not the best night time sleeper. She goes to bed great at 7pm but then will
wake up 2-3times throughout the night. The first time I can usually just put
the pacifier back in her mouth but by 4am she wants to get up. She isn’t even
hungry I think she is just done sleeping. It is really frustrating and tiring
so I am hoping to let her cry it out this week and maybe she will be able to
put herself back to sleep on her own, till at least 6!
Clothing: Molly is wearing 9 month
old clothes.
this month:
▪ Molly is starting to move
all around. She will go from side to side and push herself backwards. She has
also started getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth.
▪ Eating solid food
▪ Molly also got her first
tooth! It broke through about a couple days ago and would explain her recent crankiness.
Nicknames: Screamer and crazy,
this girl is full of energy and so loud!
▪ Eating
▪ Jumping in her bouncer
▪ Playing with her toys
▪ Rolling from side to side
▪ Watching her sister
▪ Swinging
• Being in one place for too
• Sometimes she hates being in
the car seat for too long
• Being overly tired
I wanted to add a little something in here about
Morgan. Even though I am not doing updates for her I want to remember what she
was like at this age. Morgan has a ton of personality and is starting to talk
really well. She has some attitude and her favorite snarky things to say
include “I don’t care mom” and “No, I am fine!”. She is a typically two year
old in that respect but loves playing with her sister and is so kind and
loving. Whenever I get dressed or put on make up she always says “Mom you’re so
pretty” and she loves to say “That’s amazing!”. Morgan is obsessed with Frozen
and dressing up in princess clothes. She loves to sing and has recently learned
the songs ABCs, Twinkle twinkle, wheels on the bus and row row row your boat. I
absolutely love the person you are turning into Morgan you are so much fun!
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