Thursday, March 30, 2017

Molly 8 Month Update

Weight & Height: still about 18 pounds

Eating: Molly is eating a mixture of baby foods and starter foods. She loves mac n cheese, waffles, cheerios, avocados, really she loves anything I put in front of her! She also take about 4 bottles a day. In the morning she eats about 4-5oz and some breakfast and then a 6oz bottle around 10 and another one around 2 or 3 (with lunch in between) and then 6-8oz at bed time, and dinner sometime around 5pm.

Sleeping (naps): Molly wakes between 5-6am depending on the day. Then she will nap around 8am for about an hour or less. She will take another afternoon nap around 12pm for 1-2 hours and another cat nap around 5pm for 30minutes then goes to bed around 7pm.

Sleeping (at night): We have regressed a little in the sleeping at night. She still mostly sleeps through the night but recently with teething and getting sick she has gotten up anywhere from 1-5 times in the middle of the night. Most of the time I don’t feed her I just put the pacifier back in her mouth but sometimes I have to give her 4oz of formula to get her back to sleep around 4am.

Clothing: Molly is wearing mostly 12 month clothes

New this month:
   Molly started crawling a couple days after her 7month birthday! She is moving all over the place now.
   She started daycare this month and some days are better than others but she does like it over there but she’s still a little cranky once in awhile.
   Eating lots of solid foods
   Pulling herself up on the furniture
   Sitting up in the bathtub by herself

Nicknames: Crazy, maniac (she’s is a feisty one!)

Molly likes:

   Crawling around and chasing a ball
   Watching mother goose club
   Watching Morgan sing and dance
   Eating food
   Hearing herself scream

Molly dislikes:
   Getting her diaper changed or clothes changed
   Getting her face washed
   Not being held, lately she has been really needy

How’s Morgan:
Morgan is doing great and getting over a cold as well. She loves daycare and we rarely have potty training accidents anymore. She is still wearing a diaper when she sleeps. She loves her sister and is very protective of her at daycare. I love seeing Morgan and Molly play together they have a lot of fun with each other. She is communicating really well and every day it gets more fun with her. On the other hand she also has her tantrums and does not like it when Matt and I tell her ‘no’.

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