Friday, July 26, 2013

Living out of a suitcase

Well the movers came and all of mine and Matt's things are officially in crates being shipped across the ocean! Which means for the next month or so we will be living out of two suitcases. At first I thought this was going to be extremely difficult, I mean trying to decide what I can live without for longer than a month was going to be tough. But, in reality it has be so nice having such a simplified life. Why do I need that much stuff to live with everyday, half the stuff I never even use but I think one day I MIGHT need. Getting dressed in the morning is so much easier because I only have a couple of options and not a ton of clothes staring me in the face. I know Matt and I will not be able to fit everything we shipped in our small british house so downsizing and simplifying my life is going to take top priority when we get to England! Here are some pictures of moving day :)

The movers made a special crate just for the 6ft tall wooden bear Brutus!

Brutus all wrapped up and ready to be shipped

All of our stuff being crated

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Road trip to Maine

Last week I drove to Maine with my mom and her friend Debbie. Since Matt and I are moving to England we had to drive Matt's guns up to his parents house to keep them safe for the next four years. On the way home we stopped at Matt's family's beach house to spend a couple days with his dad, stepmom Char and a couple other family members :)

I will let the pictures tell the story of the trip.....
Can't go to Maine without shooting guns

Don't mess with these moms

Boating on Keizer Lake
Gotta have Lobster in Maine!

Matt's family beach house

Matt's adorable cousin Bobby!

Holding Matt's newborn cousin Teddy :)

Matt's dad taught me to surf!

Had such a great vacation! Thank you to Matt's family for having us :)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Virginia Beach!

I spent the last week in Virginia Beach with my family. We had great weather and it was so nice to just relax and enjoy the sun!

I love beach vacations because it is socially acceptable to lay on the beach all day and drink beer or fruity drinks and nap at 2pm. However, most of my trip included keeping Dylan entertained and boogie boarding in freezing cold water :)

Some of the highlights from the trip included burying Dylan in the sand and going parasailing!

I hate heights so while parasailing was a cool experience I was terrified the whole time! We got back on Friday and now I am repacked and heading to Maine tomorrow morning to spend some time with Matt's family!

Late 4th of July Post

It has been really busy these past couple of weeks but I had a great 4th of July with my family. We celebrated by starting the day off with a Nationals game. The Nats finally won which is something I haven't been able to experience this season and I have been to 7 games!

After the game we went to a friends house for a BBQ. I made some patriotic desserts that tasted pretty yummy. Gotta love Pinterest and its great ideas (when they actually turn out right!)

We ended the night with going downtown to Washington DC and watching the fireworks! I have done this before, but a long time ago and I wanted to go one more time before moving to England. I had some pictures but the ones I got did not do them justice.

Happy (late) 4th of July! :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

First steps towards our move to England

After months of talking about moving to England I finally got to complete some items on my "to do" list! Matt got his official orders so we were able to schedule the movers to our storage unit in Delaware and ship my car to England. Yesterday my mom and I drove to Baltimore port to send off my car, which should arrive in England before Matt and I do! :)

We had to spend the night in Delaware so we could meet the moving company for a pre-inspection of our storage unit. Unfortunately they were not able to measure all the items they wanted to because Matt packed everything in the unit too perfectly :)

Yep, that is our entire belongings packed into a 10x10 storage unit. Sigh....I miss all of our things and cannot wait to unpack it all in our new home.

It was pretty hilarious to watch the guy from the moving company measure our wooden bear Brutus. He thought Brutus was pretty unique, but also a pain in the butt to move...opps sorry military he must come to England with us!

Tomorrow is 4th of July and we have a day full of baseball, BBQs and fireworks in DC! I am making some fun desserts for the BBQ and will share next time!

34 days till Matt gets home!!! Wahoooo!

Summer so far via pictures

It has been a busy summer so far! Way too much to write in a post so I will let all the pictures show how much fun this summer has been.....
Spending days relaxing by my dad's pool!
Cheering on the Nationals! 
Beautiful night for a baseball game
Took Dylan and a couple of his friends to King Dominion
It was an exhausting day but they loved the amusement park

Visited my friend Lindsay at the beach in NJ to celebrate her engagement!

Went to the Counting Crows concert with my mom and Rick! 

Went to another outdoor concert with Torie and my mom
We went to go see Straight No Chaser. They are a male acapella group that performs a bunch of cover songs. They are amazing to see live and even when it started pouring rain on us we decided to stay till the last song. And then proceeded to drive home in a down pour of rain!