Friday, September 20, 2013

Starting to feel like FALL!

Sorry it has been so long since I last wrote a post. It is difficult to write a post on my iphone but we are hoping to get wifi next week! Once we get that I will update more pictures of our house :) We finally got our household shipment and it is starting to feel like home. I am so glad our stuff got here when it did because it is starting to get cold here! Its been in the 50s and low 40s at night here and I did not pack for that type of weather! I have been wearing Matt's coats because I only had one thin jacket, I was not expecting this type of weather so soon. Opps :)  Not having any of our belongings for the past year has made me forget everything we have and I forgot how much stuff we had! This house seemed so big before we got all our stuff and now it seems so small! There is no where to put everything and we have started to get creative with storage. Thank goodness we have a garage because about 30% of our stuff we cannot use or fit in the house so it is going back into storage in our garage.

Trying to hang up pictures here is difficult because the walls are cement and so they basically crumble when you put a nail in the wall and then the nail breaks. I found a couple hallow walls that I put pictures on and then I used mounting tape for some things but most of the pictures and paintings we have we cannot hang up which stinks because I love our pictures :(

Before we got our stuff I didn't have any of my fall decorations I decided to make some of my own decorations while I waited for our stuff to get here. Luckily my mom is so amazing and sent me a box of pumpkin treats, coffee and candles to hold me over till we got out belongings.

Couple pictures of my attempts to DIY :)

FALL burlap sign 
Recycled my wine bottles for decorations :)

I made these clock signs so I can remember what time it is at home :) 

Last weekend Matt and I went to the farmers market in the town next to ours. We got fresh strawberries, vegetables, potatoes, minced meat and fresh salmon. We grilled up the vegetables and salmon that night and it tasted amazing! I definitely will go back to get seafood from now on. Matt was excited they sold scallops so I am sure we will be eating those soon :)

In other news...I got a job! I interviewed over the past couple of weeks and I found out today I got the job. After the background check I will be able to start hopefully by October 1st. The job is at another base than Matt but it is still only 20minutes away from our house. I will be a human resources assistant and I am very excited about it because I have been wanting to get a job in HR for awhile since my minor and concentration in college was for human resources. Matt and I are going to have a pint tomorrow to celebrate. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Making progress.....

Some progress has been made since I posted the pictures of the house...we have furniture!! Not our furniture but loaner furniture haha. It is really uncomfortable but it is so much better than sitting on the floor and sleeping on an air mattress. One of Matt's friends let us borrow a tv so we can watch movies by hooking up my computer to the tv. So not completely feeling like home yet but getting there :)

I am still trying to figure out how to post pictures from my phone so until then or until we get wifi on September 25th I won't be able to post anymore pictures. I was able to crest a wifi connection through my phone and use my computer for interned but the phone company caught on to me and cut me off :(

Starting to feel a little homesick because fall is my favorite time of year and I am missing football, pumpkin spice lattes and pretty much pumpkin flavored everything. I am also getting a little bored because Matt started work. I am trying to find stuff to do like a went to a Pilates class on Monday. I was the youngest person in the class by about 50 years. A lot of our neighbors are older and we realized this when we went to church Sunday and everyone there was in their late 70s/80s. It's kind of funny though because they are so nice to us and want to know where we are from and everything. At the Pilates class all the ladies invited me over to their houses if I got lonely since I don't know anyone it was so sweet!

On another note I am on the job hunt. I had an interview this morning and another one tomorrow morning so fingers crossed I get one of them and then ill be just as busy as Matt :) the only downfall is Matt is working from 3pm-midnight and my jobs are from 7am-4pm so we go back to only seeing each other on the weekends.... Oh isn't that how it always goes!

By the way I am becoming a decent driver over here. I think I finally got it down :) wahoo!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pictures of our new house

Warning! Our house is in shambles and we have no furniture so these pictures will definitely be the before pictures and I will take more when we get settled in and we get our stuff back sometime in September.

One of my favorite rooms in this house is the kitchen. I love the windows that look into the backyard. The oven and stove (or hob as they call it) was a little difficult to figure out and the oven is in Celsius so that will be fun to learn J The fridge, freezer and dishwasher all look like the cabinets which I really like too. We do have the tiniest fridge and freezer though. They hold nothing….I guess on the upside though we will never forget leftovers in the back of the fridge and things won’t go bad! The oven is also a double oven but the two parts of the oven are very tiny and it should really just be one big oven. Definitely not fitting a turkey in that think for thanksgiving, I guess Matt will have to deep fry one.

Most kitchens in Europe have the washer and dryer in the kitchen. Thank goodness ours does not! I am so excited we have an actual laundry room!! (still waiting for a washer and dryer haha)

I LOVE our backyard. It is enclosed on every end so no one can really see in and it is actually pretty big in size. I can’t wait to get our fire pit out there and enjoy some of the colder weather around the fire.  There is also a close line that came with the house. I had no idea what it was in the yard and Matt got a laugh out of that one! Not many outside clothes line in northern Virginia J The other side of the backyard I would love to get a standing hammock to enjoy in the summer (so crossing my fingers we can find a cheap one!) The little coves in the brick wall I want to try and put flowerpots in for next summer.

We have three bathrooms and one is a half bath on the first floor next to the kitchen. (Side note: there were no mirrors that came with this house! Matt and I are sharing a little 4inch mirror right now that we bough) Need to find some mirrors to hang up!

Here is a picture of our hallway. I love the little part under the stairs and I also love our front door and the flowers on the glass.

We have three bedrooms in the house and one is downstairs on the same floor as the living room and kitchen. For now we will make this room the study.

We have a pretty big living room so it will fit our sectional couch! Wahoo! (I have heard of people having to selling their couches when they get here and can’t fit them in their house or even get them through the door way.) Luckily we have two huge doors that lead out to our backyard from the living room that the movers can use to get our couch in. 

The other two bedrooms and bathroom are upstairs. Currently one if being used as a storage unit for all of Matt’s stuff. Both the bedrooms are the same size but one has a bigger closet.

This bedroom will be the guest bedroom for when you all come visit J (so Kate this will be your room! Haha) The closet is smaller because of the hot water tank and this closet will be Matt’s closet.  A lot of houses here don’t have any closets so we are pretty lucky we have two.

The bathrooms here are very different. The shower in the guest room has this screen you pull across the shower (no shower curtain) but it only can fit part way so water can get out and the slant of the wall doesn’t give you much room to shower. There are also no outlets in any of the bathrooms! I was completely shocked and kind of confused haha. I guess I will be blow-drying my hair in the bedroom.

The last room is our bedroom (we have a nice fancy blow up mattress to sleep on) We are getting a lot of great sleep on that baby, NOT! I love how big the closet is in this room and sadly I will need to whole thing for all my stuff (I need to simplify my life ASAP) One thing about living in here I have realized we have way too much stuff as Americans. These houses have no storage places or closets (we have no linen closet) and I realized if they could get by without all that junk why do we need it? Luckily we have a garage that will become our storage unit instead of putting a car in. There are a lot of things we brought (since we thought we were going to Alaska) that I know won’t work over here like our treadmill and sadly our kegerator (CRYING!!)

Lastly our bathroom has just a shower and what I love about the bathrooms are the skylights that open up  but it also makes it inconvenient to put a mirror anywhere. I will let you know when I figure that one out.

Both bathrooms upstairs have these towel warming racks, haven’t tried it yet but excited for the winter time to get out of the shower and have a freshly warmed towel waiting for me! Haha

Side note: One thing we learned quickly after not having water for our first day was that you have to program the heat and water to come on during certain times of the day. You schedule times for it to go on and off when you know you will be taking a shower or need the heat turned on. Its all part of that efficiency thing over here J And all the outlets have switches on them so you have to turn them on and off when you use them. They really should have a learner’s book for Americans when moving into these houses! There you have it our new home! Can’t wait for all our friends and family to come visit J I promise I will have the house more put together by then and we will have actually couches and beds for everyone!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Road trip to Wales

Last weekend was a holiday weekend and so Matt and I decided to take his new car on a road trip to Wales! (Btw Matt bought a vw passat and gets about 60miles to the gallon which is awesome, new road trip car). We decided to visit Cardiff Wales it is about 3hours and 30minutes away and  it was a beautiful city.

Unknown to us there was a lot of events going on that weekend so it made for an awesome trip just took a little bit of effort to find a hotel that had a room for us :) One of the events going on that day was a rugby game. It was the first time I have ever seen a game and it was so cool to watch. We had no idea what the rules where but we quickly figured the basics out.

The Cardiff team won the rugby match! After the game we explored the Cardiff castle which is located right in the town center.

Later we got a chance to walk around the town and do some exploring. The town is known for a beer called Brains Beer so we got to try a pint or two and it was  yummy :)

The next day we explored the other side of the town which is the bay area. It was so pretty and we had beautiful weather.

Taking a walk around the bay
Taking a boat ride in the bay!

We had an awesome trip and now we have officially moved into our new house. More pictures and updates about that to come :)