Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Road trip to Wales

Last weekend was a holiday weekend and so Matt and I decided to take his new car on a road trip to Wales! (Btw Matt bought a vw passat and gets about 60miles to the gallon which is awesome, new road trip car). We decided to visit Cardiff Wales it is about 3hours and 30minutes away and  it was a beautiful city.

Unknown to us there was a lot of events going on that weekend so it made for an awesome trip just took a little bit of effort to find a hotel that had a room for us :) One of the events going on that day was a rugby game. It was the first time I have ever seen a game and it was so cool to watch. We had no idea what the rules where but we quickly figured the basics out.

The Cardiff team won the rugby match! After the game we explored the Cardiff castle which is located right in the town center.

Later we got a chance to walk around the town and do some exploring. The town is known for a beer called Brains Beer so we got to try a pint or two and it was  yummy :)

The next day we explored the other side of the town which is the bay area. It was so pretty and we had beautiful weather.

Taking a walk around the bay
Taking a boat ride in the bay!

We had an awesome trip and now we have officially moved into our new house. More pictures and updates about that to come :)

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