Friday, September 20, 2013

Starting to feel like FALL!

Sorry it has been so long since I last wrote a post. It is difficult to write a post on my iphone but we are hoping to get wifi next week! Once we get that I will update more pictures of our house :) We finally got our household shipment and it is starting to feel like home. I am so glad our stuff got here when it did because it is starting to get cold here! Its been in the 50s and low 40s at night here and I did not pack for that type of weather! I have been wearing Matt's coats because I only had one thin jacket, I was not expecting this type of weather so soon. Opps :)  Not having any of our belongings for the past year has made me forget everything we have and I forgot how much stuff we had! This house seemed so big before we got all our stuff and now it seems so small! There is no where to put everything and we have started to get creative with storage. Thank goodness we have a garage because about 30% of our stuff we cannot use or fit in the house so it is going back into storage in our garage.

Trying to hang up pictures here is difficult because the walls are cement and so they basically crumble when you put a nail in the wall and then the nail breaks. I found a couple hallow walls that I put pictures on and then I used mounting tape for some things but most of the pictures and paintings we have we cannot hang up which stinks because I love our pictures :(

Before we got our stuff I didn't have any of my fall decorations I decided to make some of my own decorations while I waited for our stuff to get here. Luckily my mom is so amazing and sent me a box of pumpkin treats, coffee and candles to hold me over till we got out belongings.

Couple pictures of my attempts to DIY :)

FALL burlap sign 
Recycled my wine bottles for decorations :)

I made these clock signs so I can remember what time it is at home :) 

Last weekend Matt and I went to the farmers market in the town next to ours. We got fresh strawberries, vegetables, potatoes, minced meat and fresh salmon. We grilled up the vegetables and salmon that night and it tasted amazing! I definitely will go back to get seafood from now on. Matt was excited they sold scallops so I am sure we will be eating those soon :)

In other news...I got a job! I interviewed over the past couple of weeks and I found out today I got the job. After the background check I will be able to start hopefully by October 1st. The job is at another base than Matt but it is still only 20minutes away from our house. I will be a human resources assistant and I am very excited about it because I have been wanting to get a job in HR for awhile since my minor and concentration in college was for human resources. Matt and I are going to have a pint tomorrow to celebrate. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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