Thursday, October 3, 2013

Starting to feel like home....

So it has been crazy here the past couple of weeks. We got all our stuff moved into the house and then I got a job offer as an HR assistant for a company on base called AAFES. This week is my first week and I am loving the job so far. I will post on that separately but the job is keeping me busy! Unfortunately my hours are different from Matt so i work 7:30am-4pm and he work 3pm-12:00am so we haven't seen each other all week! (he sleeps in the guest room so we aren't woken up at odd hours form each other alarms) But tomorrow is Friday and that means we finally get to see each other! (if i can manage to stay awake will midnight! )

Last weekend we went to a fall pumpkin festival and they were celebrating the Beatles 50th anniversary so they had music performances of all Beatles song and it was pretty awesome. This weekend we are going to London with some friends. They have these dungeons around here that are suppose to be super scary and they have performances in them. I am not exactly sure how it will all go but it's about a 90 minute show and we got ticket for it. I will let you know what it is after we get the full experience! We are taking the train into London, the train stop is within walking distance of our house and its about an hour and a half ride into the center of London which is so awesome! is starting to feel like home finally and Matt and I are getting settled in :) Here is some pictures of our house (I only took pictures of the rooms that we have put together there are still two bedrooms that are a work in progress)

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