Besides the obvious fact that Friday is the start to the weekend I have a couple other things I look forward to on Fridays here :)
1) At the commissary every Friday there is a tent set up outside that sells the BEST kettle corn I have every had! Today I got the chili flavored kind for Matt and it is so good. Little bit of sweet and spicy.
2) I get to watch all my favorite TV shows. All my shows are on Thursday nights in the US and so I have to wait till the next day to watch them online....making Friday my favorite tv show watching day.
3) Every Friday at the Shoppette they have wine and beer tastings. No need to say more :)
4) I finally get to see Matt! (Yea this should definitely be number 1 haha) but Matt and I don't get to see each other during the week because of our work schedules so as long as I can stay awake till about 1am I usually get to see his smiling face when he gets home from work :)
5) Sleeping in the next day....waking up at 5:30am makes me appreciate getting to sleep in till at least 8am
6) Weekend plans: Matt and I are always trying to find new things to explore every weekend so I am always excited for the things we have planned. Last weekend we went to the Apple festival and next weekend we are going to London to see the Beatles mania concert called "Let It Be" I cannot wait!
I only have 6....weird number to end on but thats all I got! Have a great weekend!
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