Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's almost Halloween!

I love the holidays (mostly christmas) but I love to celebrate every holiday. This weekend was spent doing some fun halloween activities like carving pumpkins and decorating the house for halloween :)

My mom's friend Freddie sent Matt and I those awesome Halloween decorations! Thank you Freddie :) I love having the house all decorated for Halloween. I hope we get some trick-or-treaters. I heard the kids in Britain do trick or treat but I made sure to put my carved pumpkin outside to make sure they know to come here :) I have been munching on some of the halloween candy we bought already I may need to get some more before Halloween!

Matt and I went to an apple festival in the next town over this past weekend. I will post about that next but we got a lot of yummy apples and I made an apple crisp with them!

I have heard the fog in England is bad but I hadn't experienced it till the other day and man was it awful! I have never seen fog like that in my life and it took me forever to get to work, it was scary! But it would be cool if the fog did this on Halloween haha :)

Hope everyone is having a good week! Tomorrow is hump day wahoo!

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