Thursday, October 17, 2013

Scotland Adventures!

One of the best things about living in England is how close you are to other countries. Matt and I had a three day holiday weekend and we wanted to take advantage of it and go on an adventure to Scotland! After work Friday we packed the car up and hit the road :) We got to Glasgow Scotland around 11:00pm so there wasn't much to do the first night but go to bed and wake up early to start exploring.

When we work up we had a really good traditional scottish breakfast at the hotel. I tried blood sausage (apparently it is a traditional breakfast food they eat) and I was not really a fan haha but at least I tried something new! After breakfast we drove to Loch Lomond which was about an hour away. It was a gorgeous morning so we decided to take a hike up the hill and get a better view of the loch (which means lake I found out) The hike was about an hour to the top and along the way we ran into some wildlife!

The views from the top of the mountain were amazing! It was so windy and cold at the top but totally worth it :)

After the hike we headed to the town of Edinburgh but on the way we stopped to check out Stirling Castle. I always love seeing castle and this one was no exception. Stirling castle is the most historic castle in Scotland.

Saturday night we found an awesome restaurant that served IPA beers. It is hard to find a good IPA beer in England. The restaurant also had great burgers.

Sunday morning we woke up and drove about an hour to the town St. Andrews where gold was invented. And in my opinion more importantly where the royals kate and will met :) There is a really old castle and cathedral there that we got to see. And of course we couldn't leave without checking out the university :) I am a nerd and love looking at other colleges and universities. Oh yea and Matt made is go see the historic golf course which was pretty cool too...I guess :)

That afternoon we made our way to a scottish whisky distillery. We took a tour to find out how the scotch is made and then we got to sample some at the end. :) I am not a fan of scotch and after the tour I still am not a fan haha but it was fun to see how it is made.

 After the distillery we looked up a good place to eat on lonely planet. Honestly this website never disappointed us with its suggestions. On sunday night we and one of the best dinners I have had in a long time! We both got a stew and dumplings with mash, Matt got the vince stew and I got the beef.

After dinner we headed to a bar called Frankenstein to get dessert and a drink :) It was such a cool bar! They had awesome halloween decorations and they had the movie frankenstein playing on  a big jumbo tv above the bar. I got a yummy chocolate brownie for dessert!

Monday morning we decided to check out the Edinburgh castle in town before we headed home. This was one of the best castles I have ever seen! If you are ever in scotland you have to go see this castle, it is so big and beautiful!

It was sad having to drive home after such an amazing vacation but luckily we had amazing views to look at on the way home! I love the country Scotland and definitely plan on going back multiple times while we live here. Before it started to rain we reached the border of England and Scotland and jumped out to get a picture! The border is at the top of this hill and had a great view, we didn't get to see the pretty drive on the way up because most of it was in the dark but driving home I realized how many sheep there are in the country. So many sheep! haha they are everywhere and I never thought I would see that many sheep in one car drive.

Matt and I love to travel together and see new things. This trip was just the start of our many adventures! I am hoping we can plan a trip to Ireland soon :)

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