Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Baby Morgan Week 22


Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: not really sure and don't really care I am enjoying eating what sounds good to me right now :)

Eats and Treats: bagel bites! macaroni and cheese, any kind of comfort food like eggs and hash browns yum oh yea and ice-cream still finally gave in and had matt get mint chocolate chip and it tasted amazing! 

How I Am Feeling: Feeling good, went for an ultrasound last Friday and got to see baby Morgan. She would not move into the positions the ultrasound tech needed her in for a certain picture for the doctor and we were there for so long trying to get her to move! She is stubborn already....definitely my daughter :)

Clothing: Got my maternity work clothes from my dad and step mom and that was a life saver! My cousins wife also sent me really cute maternity clothes and I am loving wearing them its like having a whole new wardobe!

Exercise: working out about 3-4 times a week, mixing it up between weight lifting for toning and the treadmill  
Most Looking Forward To: Putting a baby registry together and getting all the decorates I got for the nursery to come in the mail.

Thankful For: My friends and family, wish we were closer to everyone but I love being able to post pictures for everyone on this blog and so thankful for FaceTime!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Baby Morgan 21 Weeks!


Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! J Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: 10 pounds! holy cow starting to get big 

Eats and Treats: Lots of sweets, ice-cream (which I still haven't had) Reeses (especially the easter eggs that came out!), avocados, Mexican food (I miss it so much England has no Mexican restaurants), thank goodness for girl scout cookies

How I Am Feeling: Feeling good this week! Starting to feel baby Morgan kick so much lately!

Clothing: maternity clothes all the way, I am over trying to make my old clothes fit. 

Exercise: working out in the morning before work, I actually jogged yesterday morning and couldn't believe how sore I was after!

Most Looking Forward To: seeing my belly get bigger and the ultrasound appointment we have tomorrow :)

Thankful For: A relaxing weekend with plans of doing absolutely nothing! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Baby Morgan 20 weeks!


Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! J Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: about 8 pounds so far.

Eats and Treats: still eating lots of peanut butter and oatmeal J craving ice cream but trying not to give in since I know my stomach will hurt after I eat it! Loving girl scout cookies especially the samosa, yummy

How I Am Feeling: Feeling tired and lots of cramping but starting to love this growing bump!

Clothing: still wearing comfy maternity clothes, but got my belly band in the mail yesterday so will give that a shot this week.

Exercise: Still working out to the pregnancy video “The Dia Method”, and haven’t jogged all week but more walking on the treadmill because I’m so tire. 

Most Looking Forward To: Getting more nursery decorations in the mail that I ordered and setting up the nursery and the possibility of moving on base housing so I don’t have to drive so far once we have the baby for work and daycare.

Thankful For: My amazing and supportive husband and our trip to Ireland this weekend! Also so thankful I got to feel baby Morgan kick for the first time last week, such an amazing experience.