Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014
Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs
Weight Gain: not really sure and don't really care I am enjoying eating what
sounds good to me right now :)
Eats and Treats: bagel bites! macaroni and cheese, any kind of comfort
food like eggs and hash browns yum oh yea and ice-cream still
finally gave in and had matt get mint chocolate chip and it tasted
How I Am Feeling: Feeling good, went for an ultrasound last Friday and got
to see baby Morgan. She would not move into the positions the ultrasound tech
needed her in for a certain picture for the doctor and we were there
for so long trying to get her to move! She is stubborn
already....definitely my daughter :)
Clothing: Got my maternity work clothes from my dad and step mom and
that was a life saver! My cousins wife also sent me really cute maternity
clothes and I am loving wearing them its like having a whole new wardobe!
Exercise: working out about 3-4 times a week, mixing it up between
weight lifting for toning and the treadmill
Most Looking Forward To: Putting a baby registry together and getting all the
decorates I got for the nursery to come in the mail.
Thankful For: My friends and family, wish we were closer to everyone
but I love being able to post pictures for everyone on this blog and so
thankful for FaceTime!!