Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Baby Morgan 20 weeks!


Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! J Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: about 8 pounds so far.

Eats and Treats: still eating lots of peanut butter and oatmeal J craving ice cream but trying not to give in since I know my stomach will hurt after I eat it! Loving girl scout cookies especially the samosa, yummy

How I Am Feeling: Feeling tired and lots of cramping but starting to love this growing bump!

Clothing: still wearing comfy maternity clothes, but got my belly band in the mail yesterday so will give that a shot this week.

Exercise: Still working out to the pregnancy video “The Dia Method”, and haven’t jogged all week but more walking on the treadmill because I’m so tire. 

Most Looking Forward To: Getting more nursery decorations in the mail that I ordered and setting up the nursery and the possibility of moving on base housing so I don’t have to drive so far once we have the baby for work and daycare.

Thankful For: My amazing and supportive husband and our trip to Ireland this weekend! Also so thankful I got to feel baby Morgan kick for the first time last week, such an amazing experience.

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