Sunday, February 2, 2014

Baby Morgan! (18 Weeks)

I want to keep a journal of all the stages of pregnancy of baby Morgan so I figured this is the best way to do it :) I haven't posted on here in kind of got in the way but I will start doing updates more often.

This weekend Matt and I had nothing planned but Saturday we woke up and the sun was out so we decided we had to take advantage of that and do something! We decided on a trip to Cambridge and it was so much fun. We walked around the town looking at all the colleges and went to the botanical gardens (which Matt had way too much fun at looking at all the different trees). We also got a chance to eat fish and chips at a famous pub and it was delicious. 

Sunday we decided to go buy the crib and changing table for baby Morgan and that was nothing short of interesting. We could not get the crib in my car so Matt had to strap the crib to the top of the roof of my car. I cannot wait to start getting the nursery put together, I ordered a couple other things off etsy and I am super excited to see it all. 

Every week starting this week (Week 18) I am going to try and do an update and picture. Let's see how long this lasts haha. 


Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! J Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: not sure haven’t weighed myself (don’t really want to weigh myself haha)

Eats and Treats: eating lots of peanut butter, oatmeal, cake, craving doughnuts but they are hard to get over here.

How I Am Feeling: Feeling good J No complaints here (once in awhile I will get cramps that feel really bad and I am still tired but overall doing great!) and I can start feeling her kick which is pretty awesome!

Clothing: switched to maternity early on because the maternity clothes are so much more comfortable right now.

Exercise: Still working out to the pregnancy video “The Dia Method”, and jogging on the treadmill.

Most Looking Forward To: starting to buy so many cute girl things for the nursery!

Thankful For: little bump that is starting to show J Matt going on day shift so we can see each other everyday now! Life is good J

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