Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Baby Morgan 33 Weeks!


Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: still about 20 pounds 

Eats and Treats: I am back to craving sweets all the time! donuts, ice-cream, cookies, brownies, cupcakes! I can't get enough. Also eating lots of fruit still. Trying to add in some vegetables for dinner.....

How I Am Feeling: Feeling pretty good, still tired and I feel like Morgan is running out of space because she keeps kicking me in my ribs. I have also been getting really bad foot cramps lately that last forever, they are awful!

Clothing: pretty much wearing t-shirts and maternity pants all the time, and sweatpants when I get home :)

Exercise: Got back into working out a couple times a week, this week I have gotten on the treadmill and did a weight lighting pregnancy safe workout video, hoping I can do a light work out this weekend and go on a walk with the hubby. 

Most Looking Forward To: Getting everything done for the nursery! It is pretty much done but I still have some things to do, once it is done I will put up pictures. Also excited for my virtual baby shower on Sunday!

Thankful For: All my friends and family for putting together a virtual baby shower for me. Also, thankful for my friends here in England and all the extra baby stuff I have gotten from them :)

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