Thursday, May 8, 2014

Baby Morgan Week 32


We finally moved onto base housing and we spent all last week/weekend unpacking and I am exhausted!

Estimated Due Date: July 2, 2014

Gender: GIRL!!! Morgan Duggan-Childs

Weight Gain: about 20 pounds now

Eats and Treats: I was craving Mexican, but I got to fulfill that craving on my birthday with a birthday lunch at work :) Anything chocolate still, pineapple, fruity drinks, watermelon, cupcakes

How I Am Feeling: Feeling exhausted after moving and working all week. I started to get run down and was getting really bad foot cramps and nose bleeds, but I think I got that under control now with more rest and hydrating. I was probably doing more than I should have at 32 weeks and I think my body hated me for it. I cannot wait to rest up this weekend!

Clothing: Not much is comfortable right now except sweat pants which I look forward to coming home everyday from work and putting them on :)

Exercise: Not much since my body is still trying to recover from the move, I worked out this morning but that is about it!

Most Looking Forward To: My virtual baby shower in two weeks :) cannot wait to see all my friends and family together on FaceTime, even though I wish I was there in person...I guess this is the next best thing.

Thankful For: Getting a house on base housing, life is so much easier and the driving is so much less now, so happy we were able to get onto base and unpack before Morgan arrives :)

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