Tuesday, June 23, 2015

France and Switzerland

Over the past month we have gotten the chance to travel to some pretty cool places. It hasn't been easy with a little one but we made it work! Little extra coffee in the mornings and you completely forget about the lack of sleep from the night before when you are looking at the Swiss Alps or the Eiffel Tower :)

We decided to drive and take the ferry to Normandy in France and stay there the whole weekend and take the train to Paris one day. We spent most of the day in Paris walking around and seeing the sights. Since we only had one day in Paris we didn't get to go into any museums or see as much as we probably would have liked but it was the perfect amount of time for Morgan.

The second day we went to the American Cemetery in Normandy and then went to Omaha Beach and walked along the beach. It was surreal walking the same beach so many men had fought and lost their lives on. It was definitely one of the most humbling experiences ever. It was also Morgan's first time on a beach and needless to say she was not a huge fan of the sand....we will have to work on that one before we go to the beach in Maine this summer. We also went to Mount St Michel which was about two hours from Normandy and it was worth the drive! It was a beautiful castle on this island that you had to walk to. The inside had a lot of hotels and restaurants and of course became very touristy but the castle was huge and so gorgeous to walk around in. We had the stroller so it was a little hard to get around since there was no elevators so after carrying Morgan and the stroller up multiple flights of stairs we called it a day.

A couple weeks ago my friends came out to visit and we took a short trip to Switzerland. Switzerland is by far one of the most beautiful countries I have ever seen! We flew into Geneva and then took a four hour train ride to Zermatt to see the Matterhorn mountain. We spent two nights there and then took the train back to Geneva for a night. Zermatt is a beautiful mountain town that only allows electrical cars. The first day we had an excellent view of the Matterhorn from out hotel room but as the day went on the clouds moved in and covered it up. We took the train up as far as we could go with Morgan which was 10,000 feet! There was still snow and glaciers up there and it was an amazing view. Afterwards, we took the train half way down the mountain and then decided to hike the rest of the way.

The hike was by far the prettiest part of the trip! It was a step incline down but the views made it worth it.

The second day we hiked to a Gorge and enjoyed a cloudy day without the sun.

Our last day in Geneva was a hot one! We took a boat tour of lake Geneva and saw the Jet d'Eau which is a huge fountain in the middle of the city. We also go to see the United Nations headquarters and enjoy some yummy ice cream.

We have been very lucky to get to see so many places but it is always nice when we get back home and get Morgan back on a regular sleeping schedule. The lack of sleep and tempertatrums that happen as a result can take their toll on your after a couple days of traveling :)

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