Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

Yesterday was Morgan's birthday and probably one of the rougher days I have had being a parent. Maybe it was her way of foreshadowing the toddler behavior I know is to come and if so God help me!

I try to be patient with her and at the end of the day when she is fast asleep in bed I think maybe I reacted too quickly or I could be done better. Being a parent is hard and there is no clear set of rule or guidelines to follow. Matt and I would always joke Morgan is out practice child because we have no idea as new parents what we are doing. We just go with our gut and love her unconditionally. I know there are tons of parenting books out there but truthfully I never read a single one and I think my instinct as a mother is better than what any book can tell me.

Just when you think you have your child figured out they start screaming and get clingy for no apparent reason and throw themselves on the floor and just leave you standing there with no clue how to help them.

But then they giggle or give you the biggest hug ever and you forget about the screaming for a minute and realize it is all worth it. Then you put them to bed and have a glass of wine and think about doing it all over again the next day :)

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