Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Morgan 1 Year!

Height & Weight: She's about 23 pounds and 29 inches I think :) Ill find out for certain at her appointment today.

Eating: Morgan loves eating anything and everything! I cannot sit down with any food in my hand without her crawling over to share with me :) She is pretty much eating whatever we eat for dinner: chicken, steak, vegetables, pasta, potatoes. She also loves fruit (especially bananas) and ritz crackers. 

Sleeping (naps): She takes about two naps a day still. One in the morning about 2 hours after she gets up in the morning and the other nap is about 3 hours after her morning nap.

Sleeping (night): Morgan is rocking sleeping through the night. However, she does not like to sleep in. If she sleep till 6:30 I call that a win. More than likely when she goes to bed around 7pm she will wake up between 5:30am-6:00am. 

Clothing: She is wearing 12 month clothes but they are getting to be a little to small for her so mainly 18 months clothes now. 

New this month
  • Morgan is a couch cruiser. Loves to walk while holding onto the couch or her walker. 
  • Gave up the baby food completely and is eating all big girl food.
  • She is drinking out of a sippy cup and learned to use a straw.
  • Lots of babbling and will say "hi" back when you say "hi" to her
  • Morgan is starting to waving hello and bye
  • She has two little bottom teeth! Finally, this girl is holding on to her teeth because she still only has two :)

Nicknames: MoMo

Morgan likes:
  • Flipping through the pages of her books
  • Elmo! She loves Elmo and Sesame Street
  • Climbing into her toy tub containers
  • Playing in and pushing around her toy house
  • Playing with her friends
  • Being outside
  • Hanging out in the hiking backpack with Dad
  • Eating apples

Morgan Dislikes:

  • Getting washed in the bath tub
  • Sand from the beach
  • Being fed by her parents, she has to be a big girl and feed herself everything!

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