Friday, December 2, 2016

Molly 4 Month Update

Weight and Height: At her 4 month doctors appointment she was 15lbs 8oz and 24inches long. Also she is in the 90th percentile for head circumference haha.

Eating: Breastfeeding on demand and then occasionally when she is still hungry I will give her a bottle. Then at night time I give her a 4oz bottle half of formula and half breast milk before bed. I go back anf forth with continuing to breastfed. It is becoming more difficult but sometimes it’s the only thing that will calm her down and at night time its so convenient. My goal is to at least make it till 6 months.

Sleeping: Since getting to Hawaii and Molly turning 4 months we had a little but of sleep regression where she was waking up consistently 3-4 times at night. However for about a week now she is going to bed around 7:30/8 and sleeping till 3 or 4 (sometimes 5) and will nurse and sometimes go back to sleep. For naps they are kind of all over the place but I am trying to get her to nap more in a bedroom so she doesn’t get woken up by her sister.

Clothing: 6 Month clothes and some 9 month clothes.

New this month:
Molly is more aware of her surroundings, she knows who we are and will follow up around the room with her eyes. Getting good at sitting up on her own. Likes to roll around on her sides.

Molly likes:
Putting everything in her mouth. She loves the Sophia giraffe to chew on. Hearing her own voice and loves to scream. Chewing on her fingers. Watching her sister play.

Molly Dislikes:
The car, she cries every time we put her in the car. The hours of 4-7pm, she isn’t the easiest baby in the evenings and we have to cancel plans often if we know they will go past 7:30 because girlfriend will lose it when we are out.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Molly 3 Months

Weight and Height: I am not sure at this point because we don't have her 4 month appointment for a couple more weeks but guessing about 12/13 pounds?

Eating: Molly is still breastfeeding. We try to do one bottle a day and I will pump whatever milk I have and add formula if necessary. She eats about every couple hours and sometimes it feels like that is all we do still is breastfeed all day!

Sleeping: Molly is good about taking one morning nap around 9am for about an hour and then its on and off 20/30 minute naps the rest of the day. Usually around 7:30/8pm she will nurse or take a bottle and then sleep till about 4am. She will wake up and nurses at 4am then sometimes we are good till 6am others its off and on putting the pacifier back in her mouth till about 7am. It's been a bit of a struggle but for one week a couple weeks ago she was consistently sleeping through the night so I know she can do it haha!

Clothing: Molly is grown out of her 3 month clothes and is in 3-6 and 6 month clothes

New this month:
  • Molly has really started to smile and babble.
  • She also likes to eat her hands and blow bubbles. We have a big drooler on our hands.
  • This isn't new but she is still spitting up a lot after feedings and has been pretty gassy and cranky lately. I hope this phase will end soon.
  • Molly has also started to giggle and its the best thing in the world.
  • She also started to roll over from her stomach to her back
  • We are also leaving for Hawaii this week so lots of traveling and changes to come :)
Molly likes

  • Being smiled and talked to
  • Her activity mat
  • Taking baths with her sister
  • Being held and rocked
  • Being swaddled
  • Chewing on her hands or my fingers
Molly Dislikes
  • Laying on her back for too long
  • Being ignored (DIVA haha)
  • Loud noises
  • A dirty diaper

Looking forward to the move to Hawaii and getting Molly into her own room and crib. She will be 4 Months soon (did this post a little late) and she has yet to have her own room due to our PCS.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Molly 2 Month Update

We are officially in PCS mode and living out of suitcases in a hotel. We leave for Maine in 2 days and then it's on to Virginia and then HAWAII!

Morgan and Molly have bother been doing great with he transition so I am hoping it stays that way.

Not a whole lot has changed in the past month with Molly although she is starting to smile and coo and it is so cute! We are getting a little more sleep but still getting up and being awake for multiple hours at night. And Molly is still spitting up pretty bad, I just feel so bad for her and it makes for a lot of laundry!

We have been so busy lately it's been hard remembering to take pictures but I promise to get more for next month Molly!

Also because we are in PCS mode the bear will be missing for the next couple monthly updates :(

Weight & Height: She was 10lbs 10oz at her two month appointment and 22 inches tall

Eating: Still pretty much exclusively breastfeeding sometimes takes a bottle once in awhile and eats about 6 times a day/night

Sleeping (naps): Takes a short nap in the morning and a 2-3 hour long nap in the afternoon

Sleeping (at night): She normally goes to bed around 8:30/9ish and sleeps till either 2:30 or 3 (sometimes 4 if I am lucky). She will wake up and nurse for about 30 minutes and then go back to sleep till about 6:00am

Clothing: wearing all her 3 month clothes and probably not to far before she’s in 3-6 month

New this month:
   She is smiling a lot lately
   Noticing her hands and feet
   Loves kicking her feet around
   Started cooing and blowing bubbles

Nicknames: Good golly miss Molly ;)

Molly likes:

   Being held
   Her rock n play
   Sitting up in a chair
   Being in the Tula

Molly dislikes:
   Still spitting up a lot (like projectile pukes all the time!)
   She is also pretty gassy (and it stinks haha)
   Tummy time

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Molly 1 Month

Weight & Height: She was 6lbs 13 oz at her two week appointment and a little over 19inches tall

Eating: Molly is a champ at breastfeeding. She nurses every 3-4 hours throughout the day/night.

Molly will take  about one bottle of breast milk in the evening (4oz) and then exclusively nurses throughout the day/evening.

Sleeping (naps): Naps randomly throughout the day. 

Sleeping (at night): Molly will sleep from about 9pm to 12am and then wakes up for about 2 ½-3hours to nurse and just be cranky. Then she will go back to sleep from 3-6am and by then her sister is up and ready for the day to start. Needless to say I am exhausted! I am hoping we can start decreasing our awake time at night time and that will help me get a little more sleep. Molly is also an extremely loud sleeper and grunts/squeaks throughout the night.

Clothing: Same as her sister, she is finally fitting into newborn clothes and some 0-3 month clothes. We are also almost out of newborn diapers and starting size 1.

New this month:
   Molly loves taking in her surroundings and loves looking at her sister.
   She has great neck strength!
   Loves to be swaddled

Morgan loves her sister Molly so much. She is so sweet to her and will sing to her, share her stuffed animals with her and lay on the ground and play with her. 

Nicknames: Peanut, Molls, Puke Face (because she spits up so much!)

Molly likes:

   Her vibrating chair
   Her sister
   Making noises

Molly dislikes:

   Getting the hiccups
   Getting her diaper changed
   She also spits up a lot!