Saturday, August 24, 2013

Driving in England

Driving in England.....I survived! haha It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but that's not to say I will not be nervous every time I get behind the wheel for the next month or so. Matt wanted to go look at a car he is interested in buying today so I thought "hey why not try and drive today!" The dealership was about 30 minutes away and I had to go through this double roundabout that is scary as hell to me. I made it and didn't get in an accident so I call that a really good day! Once I get use to driving here it will probably be time for me to visit home and i'll be all messed up again. Once I get my car I know the whole steering wheel on the wrong side of the car is going to get in the way...but I'll deal with it when the time comes! After looking at a car for Matt (which we may end up buying) we went to the town of Ely. This is by far my favorite town so far and it is only 5 miles from our new house. (oh btw we got the house we wanted!!! yaya will be moving in in the next couple of weeks and will take lots of pictures to share).

Ely has different markets every weeks and today was the farmers market. Everything smelled to delicious I can't wait to shop there every week! There is also a beautiful old cathedral in the town and someone was getting married there today so we got to see them taking their pictures outside.

Ely Cathedral

The town of Ely

After looking around the market we went to a pub to get some lunch and a pint.

I am loving exploring the area and can't wait till we can move into our new house :)

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